Cozy, She Wrote

A Newsletter for Everyone Who Loves Cozy Mysteries

Cielle Kenner
Cozy, She Wrote
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2 min readJan 1, 2024


January 1, 2024

Welcome to the inaugural issue of Cozy, She Wrote — news from the “Cozy, She Wrote” magazine at

We’ve only just begun, but we’re already off and running with our first two installments of “Five Cozy Questions.”

Meet Kelly Brakenhoff, author of the Cassandra Sato mysteries:

And me, Cielle Kenner, author of the Enchanted Antique Shop series:

If you’re a fan of cozy mysteries, subscribe to this newsletter. You’ll be a valued member of our community, and we’ll be sure to keep you updated about new stories in the magazine.

If you’re a cozy mystery author and you’d like to take part in “Five Cozy Questions,” we’d love to hear from you! Simply choose five questions from this list of questions about your writing practice. Once you’ve chosen five questions, use this form to submit your responses. Answer the questions however you like: long or short, it’s up to you.

When you submit your responses, you’ll be able to add your author bio, author photo, and a cover image for any book you’d like to feature. You can also include any links you’d like to share. They’ll become part of the post on Cozy, She Wrote. It’s a great way for us to network as authors, and to connect with a wider audience of cozy mystery lovers.

Thank you for joining us here at “Cozy, She Wrote!”

Happy new year!

— Cielle



Cielle Kenner
Cozy, She Wrote

Join me in Enchanted Springs, where ghosts are friendly, magic is real, and time is anything but linear.