December 2018 Revenue Report & Analysis

The CPAY Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2019

A new year with new beginnings brings a new revenue report and analysis! Below you’ll find our total monthly revenue (in euros), the amount distributed to token holders, and the revenue share per 100 CPAY. What’s more, is that we’ll let you know what to expect from Cryptopay in the future.

The Numbers

Total December 2018 revenue: € 158,095

December 2018 Revenue share: € 15,809

Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.02

Distribution date: January 11th, 2019


During December 2018 our revenue enjoyed an increase of 40% and replicated the same growth dynamics as November 2018. A most welcome trend indeed, and we look forward to maintaining this uptrend during 2019. This result was achieved both by a more positive market and of course the hard work of the Cryptopay team.

In the last month of 2018 Bitcoin’s price fluctuated between $3,100 and $4,200 according to all major exchanges. Our customers continued to buy and sell crypto as actively as they did back in November. As a result, the revenue from our wallet continued to increase. Our wallet attracted several big-time customers who deposited their BTC balances into Cryptopay. Following their deposits, they performed a significant amount of high volume trades which not only improved our income figures, but our team revisited our internal policies and limits in order to provide even safer, smoother, and more inclusive transactions within our wallet.

The B2B team kept up the good work and due to the events attended in November they acquired new partners and improved our brand awareness. Our existing B2B clients pulled the valves and began to generate more invoices from their users and in turn, our B2B revenue continued to grow.

Future Outlook

December typically proves to be a very active month when it comes to cryptocurrency — and the calm tends to come in January. Regardless, we’ll be doing our best to maintain and improve the revenue dynamics during the beginning of 2019.

It’s also worth pointing out that our stalwart B2B team will be attending ICE London and we anticipate that they’ll attract even more clients and improve the already stellar work that they’ve been doing. Let’s not forget that we are planning to roll out our card pre-orders during this time and once our prepaid cards are up and running you can expect our revenue figures to increase dramatically.

