December 2019 Report & Analysis

Konstantin Gorin
The CPAY Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2020

It’s time for us to take a look back at December 2019. As expected, the month is traditionally dedicated to chaotic Christmas shopping and turkey shenanigans, so it seems rather quiet this time of year — both news- and stats-wise. But we’ve still got some numbers to share. Let’s take a peep:

The Numbers

Total December 2019 revenue: € 332,189
December 2019 Revenue share: € 33,219
December 2019 Revenue share in ETH: 263.9563 ETH
Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.037
Distribution date: January 10th, 2020


With BTC prices hovering in the 7,300–7,500 USD area during almost the whole of December 2019, the end of the year was more or less steady. December was relatively light on news flow due to the holiday factor. Wrapping up 2019, the market was showing rather calm conditions, and it was very likely this trend would be carried into January 2020 trading. But the new 2020 showed us just how strongly the market can react to breaking news alerts — the price jumping to 8,400 USD during the first week of the year being the matter in question.
Although we expect the light market conditions will continue into mid-January, another market surprise could easily create higher-than-usual price action due to a low volume market condition.

Cryptopay’s revenue decreased slightly in December 2019 and here we also see the holiday season as the reason for such a trend — the total figure for the month decreased by 9% from what we saw in November 2019.
B2C turnover remained almost the same as in the previous month. We saw Cryptopay’s customers being cautious before the year-end and waiting for the 2020 new trends and developments.
And although customers, in general, performed fewer transactions (like Bank Deposits or Exchange trades), the December 2019 revenue showed a significant increase in Card Deposit amounts.

B2B revenue was also pretty stable with a minor 5% decrease from the previous month. Our team has started early preparations for the February 2020 ICE, where most of the company’s current and potential B2B customers will also be participating. The management expects to see significant double-digit growth in Cryptopay’s B2B revenues during 1Q 2020 due to a number of new merchants being in the final stage of onboarding.

All in all, we stay motivated having a new year ahead of us — with new challenges and goals. Our card programme is yet to be launched but it shouldn’t take too long since almost all outstanding issues have been resolved.

We’ll share more news on the status of our card programme later this month in a separate blog post.



Konstantin Gorin
The CPAY Blog

Maybe we’re not as young as we used to be, but we’re still not as old as we’re gonna be. So watch it.