November 2018 Revenue Report & Analysis

The CPAY Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2018

As always, it’s time for our monthly revenue report. Below you’ll find out our total monthly revenue (in euros), the amount distributed to token holders, and the revenue share per 100 CPAY. What’s more, is that we’ll let you know what to expect from Cryptopay in the future.

The Numbers

Total November 2018 revenue: € 113,064

November 2018 Revenue share: € 11,306

Share per 100 CPAY: € 0.01

Distribution date: December 7th, 2018


November 2018 saw a significant rise in the volume of operations. The reasoning is quite obvious — BTC dropped dramatically by almost 40% during the month and our customers decided to be assertive and buy some cryptocurrency and begin the long HODL. The market also proved to be quite volatile and another portion of our users increased their trading volumes in an attempt to catch some sort of positive margin. Taking all factors into consideration, Cryptopay’s revenue from our wallet services’ improved by approximately 40%.

Our tried and true B2B team has continued to keep up the good work and the revenue from this product has reflected this and the figures increased by 20% compared to October. They were also quite busy on lovely Malta attracting new clients at Malta Blockchain Summit and Sigma.

As with all of our products security and stability are paramount and at the moment we are still in the test phase for the Russian cards so we can be 100% sure that we can release a top-class and dependable product for all our Russian clients. Being in the test phase, the revenue from this product has yet to contribute significantly to Cryptopay’s revenue as a whole.

Our BuyNow feature participated in the holiday frenzy and carried out a Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale which lowered our commissions for Bitcoin and Ether purchases. The revenue of this article has also increased, but the figures are still low when compared to Cryptopay’s other products.

Future Outlook

We’re optimistic about the future regarding both current and upcoming products. Our B2B team has almost finished the integration of a client that is projected to bring us substantial operational volumes and subsequently revenue. As for our Russian cards, once we’re confident that everything will run as it should for we will begin a full marketing campaign and massive sale of these cards.

We also have two big products that are due out in the future, European and Singaporean prepaid cards and CryptoBundles, a new solution to strategically diversify your cryptocurrency portfolio. There will be an announcement very soon concerning the release of our prepaid cards and you can read an article all about our new digital assets portfolio service here.

