UK Paper: Plan In Place To End Israel/Hamas War, Free All Hostages

Eric Josey
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2023

British newspaper Jewish News has published an explosive report claiming there is now a plan in place to free all Israeli hostages held by Hamas, in exchange for greater aid in Gaza & safe passage for the leadership of the militant group & their families out of the area.

The two-stage plan is reportedly being put together by Israeli-American entrepreneur Moti Kahana in coordination with the White House, a well-known but unnamed American negotiator, France, as well as a Syrian advisor to Kahana’s company, with details yet to be ironed out by Hamas negotiators in Qatar.

In the first stage of the plan, according to the article, “medical supplies, baby and hygene provisions will be sent to Gaza solely for civilian use.” It goes on to state that Kahana has £16 million (Over $26 million Canadian) worth of such supplies already waiting in an American wareheouse, which “will be provided in exchange for the release of all foreign and dual nationality hostages held by Hamas.”

In the second stage, Hamas leaders who were not involved in the brutal October 7th terrorist attacks against Israel would be allowed to leave the Gaza strip in exchange for the release of all remaining hostages, as well as the bodies of two israeli soldiers held by Hamas since 2014, and those of two israelis who were taken prisoner after wandering into Gaza. “Anyone who was involved on October 7, who crossed the border into Israel and took part in the massacre, and has blood on his hands, will not be able to leave Gaza” Kahana told Jewish News. He compares this stage of the plan, which would see the Hamas leaders leaving either through Egypt, or by boat from the shoreline, to Israel’s 1982 agreement which allowed the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization (Including Yasir Arafat) to leave Lebanon and settle in Tunisia. He also claims that Israel & the US already have lists of those leaders who would be elgible to leave Gaza, and that “strict control will be exercised to ensure that the terrorists who toom part in the 7 October massacres in israel or were involved in holding of the hostages will not be among those allowed to leave”.

According to Kahana, who has been involved in several humanitarian projects over the years from his native Israel to Ukraine, this deal was assisted by relationships he established while working in Syria in 2011, where he recovered artifacts from the 2,000 year-old Jobar Synogogue in Damascus with the help of Syrian opposition forces, including Hamas affiliates. Afterwards, in exchange for their help, he says he provided the Hamas men with food & supplies for their families. “It was during Eid and they were living in tunnels in Damascus. I gave them baby formula, women’s hyegene items, and meat” he told the paper, which wrote that these decade-old connections meant the Hamas men would be familiar with Kahana & his work.

Sharing the article on X, Kahana said “For the record, I am NO government! It’s about both sides saving lives”. While the US has yet to comment, the Israeli government, which is planning a ground invasion into Gaza but has so far delayed it, has denied any knowledge of the supposed plan, saying it “sounds like Hamas propaganda stemming from the pressure they are under”

Recently, a senior Hamas official had announced that they would be willing to release civilian hostages if israel stopped their bombing campaign, though Israel seemingly rejected that proposition when it told the UN it would not consider a ceasefire until the release of all hostages.



Eric Josey
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Aspiring writer based in Kingston, Ontario. Politically left-wing, and big on film/TV. Métis & neurodivergent.