What Is C Programming In 2022

Yilmaz Yoru
C++ Builder
1 min readJul 24, 2022


The C programming language is one of the most popular programming languages. But what do we mean by C programming? Did you know that C be used to develop apps with Microsoft build tools or with C or C++ SDKs and with free tools like Dev-C++ and C++ Builder CE?

The C Programming Language was developed in the 1970s and since 1970, there have been many programming languages and have been many changes in C language, like C+, C++, CLANG standards C++99, C++11, C++14, and C++17. C++ programming language includes C language and is powered by Object Oriented Programming features like Classes, Objects and Methods. Still, this venerable language is popular, frequently appearing in the top 3 programming language choices — but if we consider its other variations and its usage on microchips and IoTs it is the most used programming language. Please here for more details,



Yilmaz Yoru
C++ Builder

Mechanical Engineer (MSc PhD), Developer, Founder of Esenja Company, Embarcadero C++ Builder MVP