Blog Update #5

Sofia Savkovic
CPSC 444 Lost and Found
2 min readMar 10, 2020

Blog Update #5a — Rationale of Medium Fidelity Prototyping Approach

The medium fidelity prototype will primarily be horizontal. The reasoning for this prioritization is that we would like users to be able to go through all the steps involved in finding a specific ‘lost’ item and contacting the finder. The prototype does not need many vertical aspects because users are not looking for an item that they have actually lost. Hence, giving them steps to select the options that are supported is reasonable.

Users will be able to login to the app using their CWL, browse found items, search by keyword/ location/ item type, filter alphabetically/ most recent items, select an item, read details about the item, and contact the finder. Logging in with CWL will be Wizard-of-Oz’d. This will be done by automatically prefilling the username and password fields when users select the text field. Another thing that will be prefilled for users are the text fields they encounter throughout the steps. This will be Wizard-of-Oz’d to avoid confusion from the users on what they should write. The information they would enter into the text boxes is irrelevant to our experiment.

In terms of the appearance of the app, our main goal is that it is simplistic and straight-forward to use. We want the process of finding a lost item to be efficient and streamlined for users as the current process is confusing and time intensive. Thus, the app will avoid cluttered pages and only use a few colours and images. The images that will be used on the browse page will be illustrated so that they are easy to see and comprehend.

The prototyping tool used for our project is Figma. This tool allows for easy collaboration amongst team members when creating the medium fidelity prototype; allowing our team to quickly test and iterate on the design.

Blog Update #5b — Prototype Demonstration

The following video shows a walk through of the Lost & Found medium fidelity prototype.

Medium Fidelity Lost & Found prototype demonstration

