Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020

Do you use Chrome browser for professional or personal use?

If yes, make sure to skip this post.

Still here? Then go on and read it further while chrome consumes all your RAM.

I and my team are a bunch of young entrepreneurs and enthusiast developers with a curious attitude and an inquisitive mind (“someone wanting to discover as much as you can about things, sometimes in a way that annoys people or even Google!! 😆”)

Nearly 64% of internet users worldwide use Google Chrome for browsing and we are also one of them. Most of the times when we are using chrome, we are just researching stuff for our product. Thus, when we start annoying Google with our hefty questions (which we prefer to do), we usually end up with more than a dozen tabs and a not responding message.

Facing this issue for a long time got us to thinking “we need some solution for this” and when we tried searching for some tool, we again ended up with more than a dozen tabs and a not responding message.

Then we took matters into our own hands and tried developing a tool that probably helped with this issue. Diligent thinking and constant brain-storming gave us the idea of a Chrome extension which supports Google search without actually visiting the search engine in a new tab and rigorous hard work and continuous 2 years of all-nighters led to the development of Quiccle (a revolutionized Chrome Extension).

With Quiccle, you can search any text present on a web page, by simply selecting it and pressing a hotkey combination (CTRL + SPACE). Forget about a new Chrome tab, you will get the search result at the top right corner of your window in a POPUP.

Using Quiccle to perform a search relaxes your PC/ laptop RAM consumption by up to 23%. These statistics were marked when search was done in a new tab compared to when it was done via Quiccle.

This decrease in consumption of RAM provides your laptop and PC with comparatively higher battery life/ low power utilization and much-relaxing browsing experience and life to you (unlike the annoying not responding message).

We are pleased to announce that Quiccle is now available on the Chrome Web Store for you to give it a try, for free. We would love to hear from you, your feedback and opinions and (in case) any suggestions for further improvement of Quiccle.



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Hey, I m Gaurav, founder of creation edges. Love to write and read about new technology.