Here We Go Again

Andrew C. Becker
CR Cell Phone Repair
1 min readNov 21, 2016


Last year we had a CR Cell Phone Repair blog. Honestly, we did terrible at keeping it updated and it eventually just died a slow death.

So, here we go again. This time, we’re on Medium instead of our own wordpress. The dude that writes most of our blogs for us actually uses Medium quite regularly so this should help with posts being made.

Medium is the new, medium, for blogs. Hopefully our articles will get more views and shares through this format.

This is a new venture for us. So please be patient. If you like what you see then give us some hearts so we know we’re doing a good job. Likewise, comment if you think we suck.



Andrew C. Becker
CR Cell Phone Repair

I’m a father, and a guy that knows a whole lot about phones. Sometimes I write things, and occasionally I post those things h ere.