Lee Basford — Tōhoku, Japan

The devastating results of the 11/03/11 earthquake and tsunami (originally published in ‘12)

Crack for your Eyes


This article was originally published on http://cfye.com on 11/03/2012.

Today it’s one year ago that an earthquake and tsunami shook up the Japanse pacific coast of Tōhoku. Last year we showed you a series shot in Tokyo by our friend Charlie Kirk. To commemorate this tragedy we have the honor to share with you the images and story of Japan based photographer Lee Basford (you might remember the images he shot in Kushiro, Japan).

“One image that is particularly important is that with the clocks — These have all stopped at the time of the tsunami.”

Lee Basford: “I had the opportunity to travel with a small Japanese team that had been helping since the beginning (and still are), they were there just a few days after the disaster. Taking fuel and supplies, counselling and helping people throughout the affected areas.

We travelled along the entire coastline where the tsunami had struck, zig zagging inland when the roads were blocked. We visited Ishinomaki, Minami Sanriku, Kesennuma and other areas in-between.

“I’ve only shown one of these images online (the road) because at the time it didn’t feel quite right, its only in the last week that I’ve gone back to look at the photographs and selected this series.”

At the time I took the photographs there was a lot of information out there about the disaster, I published one picture, but it felt wrong in some ways to add to what was already media saturation, my photographs were not really making people more aware of the situation.

I needed time away from the images to fully appreciate them also, I think I made the right choice. Coming back to them almost a year later I see them differently now, and it feels like the right time to remind people about the scale of the disaster and that there is still so much to be done, people in Japan don’t want the world to forget.”



Crack for your Eyes

CFYE is a platform for exploring and showcasing the thoughts and works of inspiring creative people.