
Student Edition**

Tien Skye
Cracked Pieces
2 min readJan 10, 2018


Image from TodayOnline
  1. School: a place which kills creativity, passion and wonder for more profits and better world ranking
  2. Classroom: a restrictive place where there are more problems than solutions and insomnia is miraculously cured
  3. Teacher: a hired professional who is specially trained to make life difficult for students in myriad ways
  4. Semester: a period in which a flurry of activities, great imagination and constant wonder occur, usually unrelated to subject matter taught in school
  5. Bus: a four-wheel vehicle for explaining constant late-comings
  6. Mobile phone: a handheld device which provides students an excuse to admire their crotches and smile
  7. Recess: a period of break which is too late for breakfast and too early for lunch but teachers and students alike are trained to finish a proper meal under thirty minutes
  8. “I don’t know” / “I forgot” / “”Huh?”: a common catchphrase to demonstrate an astounding lack of responsibility for not finding out facts
  9. Homework: an object used as an sacrificial offering to dogs
  10. Examination: a period of great mental torture and stress, usually characterised by late nights, emotional outbursts and frantic calls for help
  11. Grade: an arbitrary letter ranging from “A” to “F”, sometimes followed by a “+” or “ — ” sign for decorative purposes, given to students at the end of a semester SEE “SEMESTER”
  12. Meeting: a seemingly never-ending session of discussion and announcements which no one listens to
  13. Administrator: a person who does a complicated job of arranging five hours of teaching a day without considering teachers’ workload
  14. Parent-Teacher Conference: a tumultuous period of screaming, blaming or explaining, or all of the fore-mentioned
  15. Examination result: a perfect opportunity for aliens to observe human emotions and behaviours

** A useless listicle for laughs only. Not for sale outside Medium.



Tien Skye
Cracked Pieces

has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...