The Manor Atop the Hill

Tien Skye
Cracked Pieces
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2019
Image by Michael Gaida from Pixabay

Atop the hill, the Johnson family lived in a great ancient manor. Legend has it that a young couple had moved in some twenty years ago and there was great talk in the town. The townsfolk learnt that the wife was pregnant and would give birth soon.

Sadly, she gave birth not in the middle of the night when there was a thunderstorm. Instead, she gave birth on a sunny high noon in a local hospital and no wolves howled. She also did not die of a difficult childbirth while cursing the father and the townspeople; in fact, the couple had five children in total, three girls and two boys.

The eldest was a girl and the youngest was a boy and they were all healthy. The children did not visit doctors for any major illnesses and the only times when they did was for immunisation shots.

And whenever the Johnson family came down to the town, it was always in broad daylight without any bats trailing behind them and there were no eccentric behaviours. The parents were amicable and the children were polite; they misbehaved at times naturally, as all children did but there were no anomalies, neither were there any commotion or deaths in the local pet population.

The family did not even have a hunchback butler or a pale skin maid. They were a family of normalcy with no dark history or hidden secrets.

The town could find no possibilities of spreading any malicious rumours. Eventually, they gave up and waited for the next family to move into the great ancient manor atop the hill to find opportunities of spreading dark rumours.

Originally posted on From the Window Seat.



Tien Skye
Cracked Pieces

has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...