Game Development Diary: Sprint 4

James Le
Data Notes
3 min readMay 5, 2016


Working progress on level 2 of our game

In the next 2 weeks, we don’t have in-class lectures; instead we will have time to work on our final game project. This week is kind of short for us, but we have made some important changes regarding level design, voice over tutorials, and game mechanics. We have decided on a very important game mechanics: Instead of using the planet for the gravity particles, we are going to make little beam-like particles and different colors have different properties:

· Blue = attractive

· Red = repulsive

· Green = reduce friction / speed up

· Yellow = increase friction / slow down

Here are the particles graphics that Ben has created to be used as prefabs:

Attractive Blue Particle
Repulsive Red Particle
Fast Green Particle
Slow Yellow Particle

With this new additional game mechanics, we created several new scripts to meet the functions of each specific particle:

· Fastor script for the Green particles

· Slowor script for the Yellow particles

· Repulsor script for the Red particles

· Attractor script for the Blue particles

An important code structure that we made is to modify particles into Base Affector an abstract class. Base Affector is a script that we created to cover the fundamental properties of the particles. Two important abstract child classes exist in the Base Affector script:

· Gravitor — which is implemented by Attractor and Repulsor

· Velocitor — which has child implementation classes of Fastor and Slowor

