Change your life

Amanda Alling
Nomads Of Code
Published in
3 min readJan 9, 2018

Many of us keep thinking that they want to have another life. Yet it seems hard for us to actually change direction. Most jobs require that you have studied for a long time, and have work experience in the same area of expertise. This is probably why we stick with what we’ve done before — it would take years and years to be able to switch to different job.

But the old system isn’t the only one. As society screams for more developers, tougher and more intense courses pop up. Given how many graduates get jobs or start project of their own, coding bootcamps seems to be a success! While studying for several years at university is a great experience, that way of teaching developers sometimes lacks in certain areas. Areas such as collaborating with a client, design sprints, working in a test driven way, team dynamics, project management, and scrum techniques. Even though studying math and logics are important, the way university courses are structured often result in students studying for an exam, and then immediately forgetting what they’ve learned.

The programming bootcamp makes up for what it lacks in years of experience, by teaching the students how to learn. How to find solutions. This gives them a different set of tools which allows them to tackle any problem in any language. However, not everyone is fit for a bootcamp — the experience is intense and demanding, and you have to be willing to give it your all.

The idea of a bootcamp is that you can attend it, no matter what background you have, and ultimately succeed with becoming a better version of you. The camp is packed with information and projects, which will seem overwhelming at times. But the coaches and classmates are just as serious about learning as you are, and will always be there to help and collaborate with you.

The team experience and project management is unique compared to traditional school, and it will be extremely rewarding, frustrating, satisfying, and challenging. There’s always more to learn even if you are all caught up with the curriculum, and at other times you’ll feel like you can’t keep up. Even though you will feel insufficient during parts of the course, you will have the knowledge and experience on how to approach the difficult parts again in the future. You can succeed, if you’re really willing to change. And if you want it now.

Craft Academy is a Tech Education Provider that aims to bring new talent to the market and help to solve the shortage of tech workers. We are founded on the belief that modern development standards, agile methodologies and business skills are fundamental for ITC professionals.

Our primary service is a 12-week coding bootcamp designed to provide individuals with a foundation of skills that allows them to enter the industry as junior developers.

With that foundation, our learners find employment in various industries or start their own businesses that bring new innovations to the market.

Would you like to know more about what we do? Follow us here onMedium, Facebook, Twitter or visit our website.

