New remote hub in Holland

Connecting Developers with Entrepreneurs

Craft Academy
Nomads Of Code
3 min readJan 5, 2018


We’re proud to announce that Craft Academy and World Startup Factory enters into a strategic partnership that will bring coding and software development skills to the Startup scene of the Hague.

Starting now, learners from The Hague will be able to participate in the 12-week coding bootcamp at World Startup Factory’s inspiring offices — collaborating with international students from Gothenburg and Stockholm.

“Increasing your own coding skills or having access to developers,” says Gerrit Jan van ‘t Veen, founder and principal Selection Lead at World Startup Factory., “can certainly help you take the first steps towards a successful business. Craft Academy offer exactly the kind of programmes we want to introduce to our community.”

The new partnership will expand the value-added services that World Startup Factory offers to both current and future member companies in their impact accelerator programmes.

“The way World Startup Factory works in combining entrepreneurial skills with technical knowledge is closely aligned with our own philosophy on how modern, technology driven businesses can grow”, says Thomas Ochman, Founder and Head Coach of Craft Academy.

If you’re interested in participating in the bootcamp, feel free to contact us at, or visit our website.

About World Startup Factory

World Startup Factory is dedicated to help founders build successful ventures with positive impact by investing, exploring and learning together.

World Startup Factory’s core added value is getting the right people on board. World Startup Factory believe that nowadays’ markets, technologies and challenges ask for strategic collaboration on every aspect of a venture. That’s why they extend and continuously test the boundaries of their international community to make sure they can connect the right people to the impact startups they care about.

About The Hague

The Netherlands is renowned as the gateway to Europe and one of the most connected societies in the world. We introduce an international launching customer community, a vibrant group of technology partners, and provide access to capital — also for later stages. Alongside, we offer great facilities and advantages of establishing your company in the Netherlands.

The Hague, the international city of Peace and Justice, is home to The Hague Security Delta, Europe’s largest safety and security cluster and represents a unique hub that connects startups with governments, international companies, research centers, studios, and thousands of creative entrepreneurs. Together with Impact City The Hague we work on social and global challenges and boister “impact economy”.

Craft Academy is a Tech Education Provider that aims to bring new talent to the market and help to solve the shortage of tech workers. We are founded on the belief that modern development standards, agile methodologies and business skills are fundamental for ITC professionals.

Our primary service is a 12-week coding bootcamp designed to provide individuals with a foundation of skills that allows them to enter the industry as junior developers.

With that foundation, our learners find employment in various industries or start their own businesses that bring new innovations to the market.

Would you like to know more about what we do? Follow us here on Medium, Facebook, Twitter or visit our website.



Craft Academy
Nomads Of Code

Coding as a Craft in 12 Weeks — Stockholm, Gothenburg, Pretoria, Rotterdam