To study remotely

Amanda Alling
Nomads Of Code
Published in
4 min readJan 17, 2018

Craft Academy aims to become more and more accessible to every student that wants to participate in the bootcamp, regardless of location. We have study locations at Pretoria in South Africa, Gothenburg and Stockholm in Sweden, and at the Hague in the Netherlands. The hub at the Hague is the first pure remote office, without any coach at the location.

This isn’t really a new concept for us. In many cohorts we’ve had remote students at other countries or locations. Sometimes students in the cities with offices and coaches chose to study remotely from their home, all depending on their current situation. We encourage the students to find what environment works the best for them, regardless if they study remotely or at one of our offices.

The students will always be equally involved regardless if they are remote or not, but there are some things that you can do to make the most out of studying together remotely.

Communicate on Slack
Slack is an app for fast and lucid communication that Craft Academy use, among many other companies. It’s always important to ask questions. It might seem easier to do it when you’re sitting next to a coach or another student, but if you just start asking questions in the cohort slack channel you’ll soon forget what stopped you in the first place.

Be social
Since no cohort is ever in the same location you have to be social remotely. Take some time to get to know each other, like asking your classmates what their interests, goals and backgrounds are. That way you will get more comfortable together, and it will be easier to ask questions and collaborate.

Code together with in a Google Hangout
Hangouts is a handy way to have an online meeting, which also allow you to share your screen. This is something you always do during the bootcamp, but it’s important to start it as soon as possible. You’ll realize that you learn more about coding and conventions, but also how to communicate about code and how to collaborate.

Take breaks and go for a walk
Sitting inside all day coding and studying can be hard. Take breaks during the day and preferably go for a walk or change locations.

Code at cafés, study rooms, country house, during a vacation
As long as you can participate in hangouts and talks, you can code and study anywhere. Why not try to sit outside if it’s good weather (and you have good internet connection)?

Use a pair of good & comfortable headphones
It can be annoying to have bad sound or a bad mic since all the talks are remote. Try to change headphones immediately if you don’t like the ones you have. It really helps when you don’t have to be annoyed with the sound.

Make sure you have a stable, good internet connection
Nothing is blocking you more than bad wifi. This is super important for everyone involved! It’s annoying when your voice keep breaking up during hangouts, or when it’s lagging is so much that screenshare always is several seconds behind.

Plan your day
What time should you go up? Do you train or do some sort of activity before you start? How long should you study during the evening? Most of the schedule will depend on the rest of the student and coaches so you’re not entirely free to decide on your schedule, but it’s good to get some routines regarding the mornings and evenings.

Again, ask questions
Don’t spend more than 20 minutes being stuck. If there’s something you don’t understand, do the following:

  1. Read through the question or course material again
  2. Google the error or question
  3. Ask a classmate
  4. Ask a coach

It’s really rewarding to be able to work remotely. Many developers dream about being a digital nomad, and knowing how to work efficiently remotely is essential.

Craft Academy is a Tech Education Provider that aims to bring new talent to the market and help to solve the shortage of tech workers. We are founded on the belief that modern development standards, agile methodologies and business skills are fundamental for ITC professionals.

Our primary service is a 12-week coding bootcamp designed to provide individuals with a foundation of skills that allows them to enter the industry as junior developers.

With that foundation, our learners find employment in various industries or start their own businesses that bring new innovations to the market.

Would you like to know more about what we do? Follow us here on Medium, Facebook, Twitter or visit our website.

