craft ai | Microsoft has selected craft ai to join its AI Factory at Station F!

craft ai team
Craft AI
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2017

by Gwendoline Soulier | Sep 26, 2017 | Communication | AI

craft ai is happy to announce that Microsoft selected us to join their AI Factory! Microsoft aims at promoting the emergence of Artificial Intelligence champions in partnership with INRIA, the leading French Institute for computer science and applied mathematics by launching its AI Factory community from Station F, the biggest startup campus in the world. Microsoft took this opportunity to unveil its selection of 7 startups, already recognized players in the AI market: Recast ai, AB Tasty, DC Brain, Scortex, Case law Analytics, Hugging Face and craft ai. Their mission will be to make the young community grow.

“We are very proud to welcome these startups that contribute to the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies […] By accompanying these mature startups, we want to stimulate the creation of an AI community within Station F, thus accelerating the deployment of a true French ecosystem of artificial Intelligence bringing innovation beyond Borders.”

Christopher Shaw — Director of Commercial Software Engineering @ Microsoft France

We are really excited to contribute to the development of a leading AI ecosystem as one of the pioneer startups of AI Factory. craft ai aims at providing the best explainable AI API to improve the customer and collaborator experience at the individual level by sharing on one hand, its explainable AI expertise and, on the other hand, what it has learned implementing hyper-personalization and cognitive automation use cases. Microsoft B2B knowledge and INRIA scientific support will enable us to boost our deployment.

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Craft AI

The team behind the AI-as-a-service platform craft ai