Hyper-personalized and proactive apps for Buddy using craft ai

craft ai team
Craft AI
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2017

by Gwendoline Soulier | May 15, 2017

craft ai & Blue Frog Robotics at Innorobo

craft ai is very happy to be invited by Blue Frog on their booth at Innorobo! Blue Frog is taking this opportunity to officially announce its partnership program and unveil the first companies that will join it. Among them, craft ai has been selected as an AI expert partner to help boost the Artificial Intelligence of Buddy.

During the show, we will demonstrate how craft ai can enable hyper-personalized and proactive apps for Buddy with an everyday life example: pizza ordering! Looks simple, but how would you make sure that the experience is as smooth as possible when kids have (very) different tastes?

Why Buddy needs Hyper-personalization?

Buddy is the first companion robot. He is designed to be a member of the family, create a personal bond with his owners

With craft ai, Buddy will be able to program himself by continuously learning the family members habits and make personalized recommendations at the right time, detect unusual behaviors or help with tedious tasks.

Use case: My Buddy Pizza — Ordering pizzas with Buddy

To illustrate how buddy can be more proactive, we’ve worked on an everyday life scenario: a family who loves to eat pizzas. Buddy will learn the favorite tastes of his family. He knows the general menu of the restaurant and he is able to suggest the best pizza for each member of the family.

Bob & Leïla have installed MyPizzaBuddy on their brand new Buddy. One evening…

  • Bob: “Buddy, let’s order pizzas!”
  • Buddy: “Ok, what would you like Bob ?”
  • Buddy: “Ok, a ‘Quatro Fromaggi’ is on the menu, do you want something else?”
  • Leïla: “A Pizza with meat and no mushrooms!”
  • Buddy: “There is two pizzas on the menu with meat: the ‘Bolognese’ with beef and the ‘Parmiggiana’ with ham.”
  • Leïla: “Let’s go for the ‘Bolognese’”
  • Buddy: “Great, you’ll be delivered in 25 minutes”

After a few orders:

  • Bob: “Buddy, let’s order a pizza for Leïla and I!”
  • Buddy: “Ok, I’m pretty sure Leïla wants meat and you like cheese on Sunday evening, you can order a large ‘Parmigiana’. It has ham and double mozzarella. Is that good for you?”

craft ai has learned the “pizza habits” of every member of the household. MyPizzaBuddy can now make personalized recommendations.

Bob can confirm or amend the order, thanks to craft ai this feedback is taken into account to make better recommendations in the future.

After a few weeks:

  • Buddy: “Hey Bob, it’s Sunday evening, would you like me to order a ‘Parmigiana’ pizza for Leïla and you?”

craft ai has gained even more confidence concerning the household “pizza habits”. MyPizzaBuddy can now be proactive! This gives also an unprecedented opportunity for personalized offers!

------ Originally published on our website at  Written by Gwendoline Soulier



craft ai team
Craft AI

The team behind the AI-as-a-service platform craft ai