CRAFT NEWS Jan17 📣 | SmartHome, CES, AI for Business, Oracle…

craft ai team
Craft AI
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2017

Did not make it to CES this year? Find out what you missed… and more:

AI truly unlocks the connected home at the CES 2017

craft ai was very happy to be invited by Legrand on their booth at CES! After winning the Samsung ARTIK Cloud / Legrand Challenge at Viva Technology 2016 we worked with the Legrand team to define a cohesive use case of an AI-enabled Smart Home. Through live demonstration twice a day we demonstrated How AI unlocks the value of Smart Home by integrating craft ai Machine Learning with Legrand devices.

Credit Agricole Assurances believes AI will transform its business lines

Credit Agricole Assurance decided to organize the second edition of its Innovation challenge, dedicated to Artificial Intelligence. As part of an acculturation process, CAA aims at raising its team awareness about AI and its business application. We were invited to present craft ai for half a day alongside other startups like our friends Recast ai, Angus ai , Cbien and Nuance.

Rethink the human / machine interface…

…in 3 days of code! That’s the Hack The UI challenge a group of Paris-based 42 school students decided to take up. They worked on 2 different problems:

  • How to improve UI in a sterile environment where technicians can’t use tablets and laptops easily.
  • How new UIs can help actors of a complex supply chain share critical information and adapt in real time. The hackathon was organized by Lilly and Danone and supported by BeMyApp. As a technology partner, craft ai was on the spot everyday to mentor the teams. Three projects leverage craft ai including the winner of the Danone challenge, Optech and the winner of the public prize: Conductor !

Oracle Forum Business Analytics & Big Data

Oracle Forum Business Analytics & Big Data was a great event for better understanding why Big Data and Artificial Intelligence are essential for business. The afternoon was marked by demonstrations of the Oracle solutions and roundtables about Big Data and AI. Startups, including craft ai were invited to demo their solutions. We also had the opportunity to present how craft ai API can be used to deliver personalized 1:1 experiences.

January Changelog

2017–01–11 (v0.18)

  • Introduce two new generated time types in configuration: day_of_month, month_of_year
  • Introduce interval split for time_of_day, day_of_week, day_of_month, month_of_year, see configuration
  • Fix error code when trying to create an agent with an invalid agent ID
  • Fix fit to screen in the sandbox, public inspector, Firefox and Safari
  • Fix tooltip on the leaves and the links of the tree in Firefox and Safari
  • Fix http to https redirection on non-API routes (returns 404 on API routes)

If you are not yet registered on our API it is the right time to do so and discover the latest improvements of craft ai! Sign up HERE.


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To see all our job offers it is here:

------ Originally published on our website at  Written by Gwendoline Soulier



craft ai team
Craft AI
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The team behind the AI-as-a-service platform craft ai