After the Agent: A Guide to Submissions and Beyond

Congratulations, aspiring authors, on securing literary representation! You’ve conquered the query trenches and landed a literary agent — no small feat in the competitive world of publishing. But what happens next? In this guide, we’ll navigate the post-agent submission journey, shedding light on what to expect and offering insights to help you prepare for the exciting road ahead.

Section 1: The Submission Process

Once you sign with an agent, the next phase begins: submission to publishers. Your agent, armed with their industry knowledge and connections, will craft a compelling pitch and submit your manuscript to editors who might be interested in your work. This process involves patience, as response times can vary widely.

Key Points:

  1. Research Publishers: Trust your agent’s expertise, but it’s also beneficial to be familiar with the publishers they’re targeting. Understand their catalogs and the types of books they champion.
  2. Be Patient: The submission process can take time. Editors have heavy workloads, and multiple rounds of submissions may be required before finding the right match.

Section 2: Navigating Rejections

Rejections are a natural part of the publishing journey. Even celebrated authors faced setbacks before achieving success. Here’s how to handle rejection with grace and resilience.

Key Points:

  1. Understand it’s Business: Rejections are not personal. Editors might reject a manuscript for various reasons, including market trends, their current list, or subjective preferences.
  2. Glean Feedback: If you receive personalized feedback, consider it a valuable gift. Use constructive criticism to enhance your craft and strengthen your future submissions.

Section 3: The Excitement of an Offer

Hooray! You’ve received an offer from a publisher. This is a momentous occasion, but there are still important steps to take before popping the champagne.

  1. Review the Contract: Your literary agent will negotiate the terms of the contract. Take the time to understand each element, seeking legal advice if necessary.
  2. Communicate with Your Team: Stay in close communication with your agent and editor. A collaborative relationship is crucial for navigating the intricacies of the publishing process.

Section 4: Preparing for Publication

Once the contract is signed, the journey to publication truly begins. This phase involves editorial revisions, cover design, and marketing discussions.

Key Points:

  1. Trust the Editorial Process: Be open to editorial suggestions. The goal is to make your book the best it can be while respecting your unique voice.
  2. Embrace Marketing: Work with your publisher’s marketing team to build a strategy. Leverage your platform, engage with readers, and participate in promotional efforts.


Securing an agent is a significant milestone, but it’s only the beginning. Aspiring authors must be prepared for the unpredictable nature of the publishing industry. Stay resilient, keep honing your craft, and remember that each rejection is a step closer to finding the perfect home for your book. Best of luck on your literary journey!



J.D. Myall
Craft Chat: Resources and Writing Advice from Drexel MFA Alumni.

Author, Writer’s Digest & Huffington Post Contributor, Literary Lunatic, Pop Culture Fan-girl. Lover of all things chocolate or sparkly.