Craft Network: Roadmap update

Craft Network
Craft Network
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2022

Hello everyone, the Craft marketplace is constantly evolving and it’s been a long time since the last roadmap update, and we’d like to provide the community more transparency with an update about our vision and what we have in the pipeline for the Craft Network in the upcoming months.

This roadmap is split into 3 phases, please note that they are independent of each other and elements from each phase won’t necessarily be implemented in chronological order, but rather based on priorities.

1. Browsing and performance update

Auctions (live)

As you may have seen recently, the auction feature has gone live for a few days. You can now buy and sell NFTs as time-based bidding auctions .(

Offers update

We’re planning to revamp the offer system to make the experience much more pleasant and safer for you. This update will get rid of “ghost offers” that can raise bugs in the marketplace. We’re also adding options to filter scam/low offers, as well as bringing better and more intuitive UX/UI under the offer tab.

Browsing experience

We’re planning to redesign the browsing experience of Craft to be more aligned to industry practices and what NFT users are generally more accustomed to. After nearly a year of activity, we have collected valuable feedback from the community and we know better today how to best serve you. We’ll be revamping Craft into a “collection-centric” marketplace, buyers will be shopping with collections as entry points, as opposed to an amassed single NFT marketplace. You may have also noticed this update, which allows buyers to navigate better with in-page filters and a more intuitive layout.

Data-sync and performance

We’ve been struggling with data infrastructure (mainly availability) and the complex queries involving both on-chain and off-chain data just to keep all data in sync. This is the real culprit of certain data integrity issues, such as some users have experienced “stuck NFT”, where past transacted NFTs still appear in their user profile, as well as some other data inconsistency issues. We also hit performance bottlenecks, as a large number of complex, and at times redundant queries need to be made in order to make the data available. We have been working for a long time on a new real time data-sync system to finally resolve these issues once and for all. We’re already in final stages to deploy this critical update, you can expect it live within a few days.

We’re also constantly working on performance upgrades, after we complete what’s planned, we expect to scale and perform ~4x faster. We have recently deployed a few performance updates, which already made significant impacts to some portions of Craft, and the latency was significantly lowered as a result. We’re aiming to carry on this work until the load time of collections and assets to be near-instant.

2. Core features

Our next area focus will be on the Craft core features, these are centered around protocol and $CFT utility.

Java Score
The “Java Smart Contracts” migration is necessary to add new core features. Some migrations have already gone live, we are currently testing the remaining contracts on testnet and will complete the migration once the testing is done.

Multi-Currency payment is a much-requested feature by the community. This will enable sellers to list their NFTs with more token options to choose from ($bnUSD, $CFT, etc).

We’re also planning new $CFT features: incentives for listing in $CFT and auto buyback of $CFT with protocol earned fees. These will be discussed under DAO.

At Craft, we want to cater the creator community and provide a better project launch experience, that’s why we are also planning an NFT launchpad. The launchpad will allow creators to have a turnkey solution to bootstrap and kickoff their presales on Craft.

This launchpad will allow easy deployment of a smart contract on ICON and provide a ready-to-deploy website, including all features for a presale event. This launchpad aims to attract more external artists to create on ICON, as well as generate more fees for the DAO and $CFT stakers. We’ll be making incremental releases of this launchpad, you will witness some features in the coming days.

3. Interoperability (coming soon)

Last but not least, we’re determined to take Craft multi-chain. We are exploring any potential opportunities to expand into new markets, our current focus is to create a product that will enable the first true interchain NFT experience for Craft, stay tuned for more info.

That’s it for this update, happy Crafting!

