Jennifer Bouley
Career Advice
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2016

So you have decided that you are ready to begin a new job search or have found a job that is of particular interest to you. Then you think my resume needs a lot of work and I really want to stand out. When planning the next phase of your career you might not always have the time or expertise that you would like to have to prepare your resume. Many candidates also struggle with choosing the right type of resume format to use. But, what if this whole process could be easier?

Choosing a professional resume writer is as important as selecting what info to place on your resume. But, how do you choose a professional resume writer? Not all resume writers have expertise in every industry while it is true that writers have exposure to various industries, they still will not be an expert in everything. Many resume writers had different careers prior to choosing a career in writing, as a customer this works to your advantage as you will have a selection of various resume writers with different writing styles and knowledge. Click to see our resume writers.

When the time comes to choose the best writer follow the bellow considerations

What do you need?

Before contacting any writers, you first need to understand what you need. This doesn’t mean that you have to know how to write the resume, it means that you need to understand what you are struggling with in order to inform the writer so they can write the most effective resume for you.

Begin with writing a list of what you need, keep it simple and don’t over-think. Always be prepared to give details to thought provoking questions. Think about the skills you need to add, gather dates and info you need to add to the resume such as work, awards, education and so on. In addition, feel free to ask the writer about items you are pondering about to put on your resume. Sometimes people have outstanding items they omit from their resume.

Writers background

This is the most important point to consider, ask yourself where has this person worked and will their knowledge base line up with what I need? Ideally, you should be working with a writer who understands your industry. It is also important to keep in mind that if they have not worked in your industry, they may have closely worked with it and therefore might have a strong knowledge base to rely on. When discussing your resume don’t be afraid to ask the writer what their method is when constructing your resume prior to agreeing to work together.

Writers style

Do you want a resume with flair or do you want a standard professional resume? This is important while colour and graphics might make a resume look interesting, it might not be the best choice for your industry. When choosing a resume writer always ask the writer what format they think is best, they should know right away if you should use a functional, combinational or chronological resume. They should also know how to explain why they would suggest that method for you. Your writer will know what you need to get noticed, and should be able to include elements of your personality into the resume. Ask your writer for a sample, when reading the sample take note of the style in which they write their sentences, they should direct the sentence towards the employer and show how you can produce results.

Writers process

Do you need your resume with one day turn around or can you wait a few days? If your resume writer states that they need a specific time frame to complete the resume, always trust them with this. They know their working style and can usually tell as soon as they open the resume how long it will take them to write it. Some writers will need 24 hours and some a few business days. This depends on the state of your resume when they receive it and the industry. Consider hiring a writer that will best meet your time frame. In addition, ask the writer if they will be conducting a phone call with you to clarify your needs or if they will send you a questionnaire. Each writer will be different, in the event that they do send you a questionnaire or survey to complete, ensure that you fill it out with a moderate amount of detail.



Jennifer Bouley
Career Advice

Career Coach at Motivator and Resume Writer with experience in mentoring, coaching, and counselling internationally trained professionals.