Settling in For the Right Job

Lidia Aviles
Career Advice
Published in
4 min readApr 11, 2016

After the waiting for first round, now you have been pre-selected for the job of your dreams, or the one that will take you further in your career. All the stress is just getting intensive probably, but you are one step forward and getting to the goal.

Now, what does it mean to settle?

Settling in means that you are willing to put all your efforts and thoughts in this, such as a relationship and you decide to settle, it means that you have found what you’ve been looking for or better. And because you have settled, you will have to remind yourself the reasons you found for such decision.

This is time you have to prepare yourself for that important and decisive interview, where you will discuss all the points for your future.

You probably get anxious and stress.

So what to do before that important interview?

  • One of the things to remember is that going to the gym, for a run, or any other exercise will help you to keep the energy on balance. Blowing some steam is necessary to let go of unnecessary stress.
  • Take a day where you won’t exist for your family and friends and start writing down the topics you would like to cover, or that you think it will be covered. Such as:

- What are your salary expectations, you can also write down the different arguments to it (isn’t about providing excuses of how much you want to give, but more about providing reasons because debate might be part of the negotiation. You would like to mention education, experiences, abilities, skills, literacy, knowledge, professional background, empirical knowledge, trainings, developments, etc. The more ideas you have, the more prepare you will be.

- Another topic that you will want to prepare is the benefits package. This are things you should write down as well, because then again the more things come to your mind the better it will be when negotiation comes. i.e. Transport, bonuses, meal vouchers, etc.

- Things that you want to cover are the reasons why you want the job. Here you have plenty of them, but most important is to be honest about it. Meaning that if you feel this job isn’t for you, don’t go selling it as if is the job of your dreams if the truth is different. Although there should be many reasons on why you want it, and is good to have them clear.

i.e. This is a job that will make you grow as a professional, this job will enhance your skills, in this job you will be able to put your abilities in use, this jobs offers you stability… think about all the positive things and write them down. This will help you to remember the reasons when the conversation arises. See, people get nervous in this situation, and having a list already prepared gives you security in your talk. There’s nothing wrong on feeling the stress, as long as you put it out on paper and not in the conversation.

Some people don’t even bother to prepare the reasons and when they get to the interview, the only thing they think about is ‘because I want a big house, and a big car, and ….’ –that happens and it looks like you don’t really have reasons for it. That’s why you have to write it down, think about and be ready to shoot the right answers.

The employer wants to hear you being honest about the things you want or not. And that’s exactly what you need to do and say, but if you prepare it ahead, you will have the opportunity to make it sound even better than it actually is.

  • Try relaxing, and that doesn’t mean going on vacation and postponing the interview. What really means is that you go to bed early so you can wake up fresh in the morning, also remember your healthy diet (whatever it is) and above all, stay respectful.
  • By this point you should have done the most intensive research over the company and you know who is who and what is what. If you gotten time, you have been also checking the company’s growth and loses; here you can get a star by talking about it in a very subtle way, meaning that you won’t go all crazy about the loses, but more introducing your experiences or expertise that may help to achieve ‘certain topics’ (relating to this issue).

If you haven’t done the correspondent research, here is your last chance. Where you have to prove how committed you are to the company and how serious you are taking this job. Don’t hesitate in asking for more information, rather think proactive. The employers want to know the depth of interest of their future employees. But, then again… don’t ask things you can find on the public eye (such websites and social media).

Oops, it looks like this article is not complete…

You can read the continuation in our April Dream Job Book

Click below to find it out :

” Get the Job of You Dream in 6 Days/6 Simple Steps “

Originally published at



Lidia Aviles
Career Advice

Actress, Writer. Working at the moment in the educational book International Education where I give advices and tips to parents, students.