23 Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

A blueprint for true success

Chris Craft
Craft Writes


a list of business books for entrepreneurs
Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Entrepreneurship is a process and a mindset. Recently, I’ve been thinking about the top traits of successful entrepreneurs and how to put these traits into practice.

Entrepreneurship is hard stuff. What’s that popular saying? “If it were easy then everybody would do it.” If you’re not willing to grind (at times), then entrepreneurship isn’t for you. I know it’s hard and that’s why I’m giving you a shot of inspiration and guidance with articles like these.

Success is something that yields relational and eternal results. It’s about more than earthly gain and the bottom line. A successful entrepreneur is a servant who gives his or her best to the client/customer, team member(s), partner(s), stakeholders, Church, and/or the world in general. A successful entrepreneur doesn’t stoop to immorality in his or her business for ill-gotten gain. A successful entrepreneur impacts lives so that whom they serve are in a better place after they’ve engaged with them.

This post is broken up into five major sections that represent the top traits of successful entrepreneurship. The traits are DREAM, STUDY, PLAN, EXECUTE, and RECHARGE. Let’s proceed.




Chris Craft
Craft Writes

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and NeoLuxeMarketing.com