9 Things Basketball Teaches Me About Entrepreneurship

Basketball inspires excellence in business and life.

Chris Craft
Craft Writes


Photo by Amith Nair on Unsplash

The parallels between basketball and entrepreneurship are many. Actually, the same is true for sports and life in general.

I play basketball twice a week (it’s my favorite form of exercise). Our 12-year-old daughter loves playing and pulling off some amazing dribble moves.

I generally nerd out on the sport by researching analytics/advanced stats, answering basketball-related questions on Quora, and even co-hosting a basketball podcast with my friends.

Over the years, the connection between hoops and entrepreneurship has become more clear. I’m happy to share my findings with you and hope that you use them for inspiration.

Here are nine business lessons that you can learn from basketball.

You don’t have to be Michael Jordan

You don’t have to be the most wealthy, or the most popular entrepreneur. Wealth and popularity don’t determine happiness. I’m thankful to have a business that helps provide for my family’s needs and serves its customers with excellence. I’m also happy to provide several jobs for people so that they can help provide for themselves and their families.



Chris Craft
Craft Writes

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and NeoLuxeMarketing.com