How a Diverse Range of Skills Improves Your Life and Career

Prepare for a future when the multi-talented will thrive

Chris Craft
Craft Writes


Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Knowledge diversity, skill flexibility, social and career adaptability…these qualities help people stand out in a world that tries to get you to specialize in one thing. Research is telling us that people are making a bigger impact in their lives and careers by developing multiple skills.

My story is filled with my diverse interests and experiences: engineering school, NASA internship, record label owner, music producer, husband, father, published author, marketing agency owner, blogger, Jesus follower. These experiences and interests help me write confidently on various topics — entrepreneurship, music, technology, faith, sports, love, parenting, and more. My writing benefits from the ability to craft richer analogies and make more clever connections. I’m prepared for a future when the multi-talented will thrive. I hope that you are too.

Here are some benefits of practicing diverse interests:

  • You can approach problems in unique ways
  • It gives you more life and career options
  • You are more attractive to people who could hire you
  • You will be a helpful resource to more people



Chris Craft
Craft Writes

Husband, father, writer, and musician. I enjoy producing music for BeatCurve and writing words. Founder of Nao Media and