Video Pass

Christy Dena
Crafting Intangibles
1 min readApr 25, 2017

Access the videos

Participate online in Twitter: #craftyint and the Crafting Intangibles twitter

Online (USD$15)

You will be given access to all the online videos of speakers & their activity prompts for shared viewing and participation worldwide. You can tap into the online activity facilitation we’ll be running on Sat & Sun, and join the experience with fellow creatives around the world.

We process through Paypal. You will be issued a password upon completion. Please note that tickets are non-refundable. Contact christy [at] universecreation101 [dot] com, if you can’t use Paypal.

Later Access (Free)

If you wait until 10th August, all the videos will be made available for free, permanently. Chris Avellone’s video will be available free for all shortly too.

Why not sooner? We’re experimenting with a business model of having early-access with a shared online community for the event. This is so we can offer the speakers payment, and fund all the behind-the-scenes aspects of the event. As we move to more global events, funding isn’t possible from country-specific funds. So we need different ways to finance these events. We ultimately want everything to be available to everyone for free, and so that is why it is just an early-access payment rather than a permanent paywall.



Christy Dena
Crafting Intangibles

writer-designer-director story games, F/S, Crafting Intangibles, EXLab. Currently writing a book about “Redesigning Narrative Design” (this is my 2nd account)