2 ways to keep good habits

Raul Ballesteros
Conscious Living
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2017

“Never wish life were easier, wish that you were better.” — Jim Rohn


Human habits is what shapes our reality into existence. There are habits that allow us to have a very amazing and extraordinary life as well as other habits that make it very difficult to do so. There are habits that we unconsciously build for ourselves such as complaining about the areas of our lives that need the most improvement and not taking action on them. You have the power to change the most important areas of your life whether that be finances, health, relationships, spirituality, emotional, or environmental through very specific habits that you’re mind has chosen for you.

Let’s look at some examples…

Being stuck heavy in traffic and beginning to feel frustrated and angry. These are very strong negative emotions which will lead to negative thoughts towards traffic that will physically and mentally drain your energy. This can cause the rest of our day to be off or in a “bad” mood.


when you begin to start exercising. We go at for a couple of days and stop. This is the direct results of your old habits that have already become apart of you everyday life. We will literally talk ourselves into not going back to exercising (good habit).

It’s easier for you to watch your favorite show than it is to take care of your health. It’s easier for you to buy a soda than it is to buy water. That’s what you’re mind thinks is normal. If you keep focusing on the negative thoughts or bad habits in your mind then that’s what the brain will keep as your habit. We must focus on the good and positive outcomes that these habits will bring. Train your mind to grow in the direction you want it to and not be on auto-pilot.

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” — Tony Robbins

What should you do to make a good habit stick?

  1. CLARITY- Have absolute clarity on the reason why you are starting a new habit. It can be as simple as because it makes you feel good or because the outcome will be great if you stick to it. Make sure this is clear and you understand the why behind your goal or benefit that will come out of starting this new habit. This is very important in the process of mastering your good habits as well as your mind. When we begin to lose focus or get distracted from that skill, our brain will remember the“why” since it now has clarity of where you want to go. You will hear it from many of the great leaders…when you know you’re true purpose, you will do anything in your power to get yourself there.
  2. CONSISTENCY- A very important component when trying to keep a good habit or goal is consistency. The brain begins to learn that you are deliberately being conscious of the action or habit that you are trying to maintain. It will become second nature to you like breathing or blinking. It’s the same reason why people that work out 5x a week look different from someone who goes to the gym only once or twice a week. The person that exercises 5x a week usually begins by only going once or twice then gradually moving up to a more consistent habit. Next thing you know it’s an everyday habit and you exercise five times a week. It will start to feel weird if you miss one day since you’re breaking the consistency. You keep going, and going, and going even when the going gets rough, keep going. If you fall get back up and do it again. It’s through the journey where greatness is made. This is how you begin to keep the habits that matter, by doing them consistently and learning something if you don’t succeed the first time. It’s the repetitiveness of these habits that trains your brain to do them over and over no matter what. This will train your brain to build and keep the good habits which you will remember more consciously and sub-conciously the more you focus on the habits that will take you to the next level in the area of your life that needs change.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read this article. Please feel free to comment and share any ideas or tips. Here to inspire as many people as I can because it’s what I love to do! :)



Raul Ballesteros
Conscious Living

My mission is to help you become the hero of your story. I alchemized my pain into purpose. Connect with me — www.instagram.com/raulinspires