ABC… Always Be Creating

Zaq Squares
Published in
2 min readJul 28, 2017

Journal. Blog. Doodle. Create content for your company or for yourself. Play an instrument from your heart or from your gut. Whatever medium that you have and feel comfortable with, grab it and let your mind get venting. A healthy mind is an efficient one!

I see what I’m writing and I hate how just hippie dippy bullshit sounding it is but it’s been tested. It’s actually a common practice among a lot of thought/industry leaders. Tim Ferriss, author/investor/blogger/etc said in a blog post,

“Morning pages(journals) don’t need to solve your problems. They simply need to get them out of your head, where they’ll otherwise bounce around all day like a bullet ricocheting inside your skull.”

If it’s in there, just goddamn get it out so you can conquer the challenges you need to continue as a functioning adult.

Man, there’s just so much in these giant human brains of ours that we don’t have access to unless we give them a way out. It’s so easy to get bogged down in the monotony of routine because there are bills to pay and people to please but the whole reason we’re alive is to exist.

I’ve always loved the way that Eckhart Tolle talks about flowers. They’re just as alive as we are but their whole purpose is to be present and exist and soak in every bit of energy that they can to keep on living. Living for a flower is nothing more than pushing out beauty and color and good stinks.

Mark Twain said that “Forgiveness is the fragrance that a violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” Fuck. If that isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.

We kind of got the short end of the stick as humans. We’re burdened with guilt, shame, taxes, and jealousy that all just get in the way of our purpose of being! We’re not doomed, we just have to work with/around our 8lbs think boxes always trying to do more than we can comprehend.

You are the only one who knows what inspires your mind right? It’s your mind! Bend it, stretch it, squeeze it, flex it, and help your brain work for you. Give it a blank sheet to say what it needs to say and then get the hell back to work.

…Free your mind and your ass will follow…



Zaq Squares

I’ve grown businesses by listening, understanding audiences, developing strategies, writing copy, and curating memorable experiences. Mind the goofs.