Craftsman Creative

Daren Smith
Craftsman Creative
Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2020



Creators come in many forms — writers, filmmakers, musicians and songwriters, producers, photographers, storytellers, creative business owners, and artists of all sorts — anyone who brings something new into existence.

To use their heart and mind and talent and desire to produce something that only they could make.

Anyone who feels the pull to create, whether as a professional, amateur, or hobbyist -

- at their kitchen table

- in their office

- in their studio

- in their bedroom

- outside

- anywhere, anytime, in any way possible

Creating work they are proud of, that serves their audience or their clients, or even just themselves.

The creator believes that their art, their craft, is a calling.

Inside this group of creators is a smaller subset known as Craftsmen (and craftswomen).

They care as much about the process as they do the outcome.

The work comes first, and the pull to create motivates them. Fame or fortune comes as a result of the work, the execution, the focus on their craft.

We Create Craftsmen.

Craftsmen care about work that is an extension of themselves, not just another commodity for a crowded marketplace.

