We needed to build apps faster so we created an artificial intelligence stack to help us build software

Today, we’re excited to unveil Crane Ai, a platform that helps build apps using artificial intelligence. You can join our beta program starting today.

Ryan Hickman


Just over a year ago we became fascinated by the idea of using artificial intelligence to build software. With so many advancements in machine learning we thought through how we could design a process that leveraged natural language and computer vision to achieve this goal. We utilized a conversational interface to provide the same flexibility in managing ideas people have just like when working with real developers. In March 2017, at an event held by GV (formally Google Ventures) we showed what Crane can do.

The conversational interface is key to provide the user the same flexibility in managing ideas just like working with real developers.

Most people we’re intrigued by the idea that we can use A.I. to write code. The fact is writing code is easy — building software is hard. When building software over 85% of development projects fail due to one problem: documented requirements don’t reflect what the actual requirements should be. To overcome that gap we created Elly (which stands for L.E. or lite edition project manager). Elly is an agent that captures requirements, manages the project, measures code quality and even writes code. As a result we’re able to reduce timelines, increase iterations and improve stakeholder value leading to better quality product.

Since March we’ve assembled a team of experts in machine learning, computer vision and natural language who’ve developed ground breaking methodologies and processes to improve our ability to realize this goal. Today we’re launching our beta program allowing participates to take our new system for a test drive. We’re looking for feedback as we gear up for our public release.

Debut of Crane Ai at Google HQ NYC

We are thrilled to share Crane with you. And even more excited to see how you will use it.

Join the beta today



Ryan Hickman

Passionately focused on building and investing in Artificial Intelligence and the Blockchain