Illustration by Dolly Li

The most annoying things people are saying about the candidates

Crashing the Party
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2016


By Sarah Murphy

If you’ve been following this year’s U.S. presidential campaign, you know there are a few things you’re tired of hearing. Think about it for a second… Are you rolling your eyes yet?

We dove into Iowa’s political frenzy to ask supporters of five candidates what they were fed up with hearing about their man or woman of choice. Here’s what they said. (Pro tip: Make sure to watch the videos to get the full ‘exasperated eye roll’ experience.)


Enough with the emails, say the Hillary supporters we met. They’re also sick of hearing her referred to as “the former president’s wife.”


You guessed it: Bernie supporters want people to cut it out with the communist racket. He’s a democratic socialist, people! (Oh, they’d also like you to please educate yourself about what the heck democratic socialism is.)


Cruz supporters are shaking their heads at folks who say he’s “too extreme,” and they’re annoyed at accusations that his birthplace makes him ineligible to be president.


Not unlike their chosen candidate, Trump supporters have a lot to complain about. They’re sick of hearing about everything from the Donald’s hair to the fact that he has a private jet (because, honestly, don’t we all kind of want a private jet?).


Ben Carson supporters get a lot of flak for the su-lowww speed of their man’s speaking style. They also balk at accusations that Carson doesn’t have the experience to be prez.

What are you sick of hearing about your favorite candidate? Tell us in the comments below!



Crashing the Party

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