A message for the Crayta Community

Wednesday February 1st 2023

Andy Shenton
4 min readFeb 1, 2023


Just over two and a half years ago we launched Crayta, born from our collective passion to empower anyone and everyone to build their very own games and share them with the world. It was an ambitious vision but you, our creators and players, and all of the connections and community that have emerged are what makes Crayta such a special place. We still believe this democratisation of game and virtual world creation is where the industry is headed but it’s with great sadness that we’re today announcing the closure of Crayta on all platforms, effective 4pm GMT (8am PT) on Friday, March 3, 2023.

We originally launched on Google Stadia on July 1, 2020. It was the middle of a pandemic and we were all locked down at home but our amazing team pulled everything together to bring Crayta to life. We were blown away by the instant love, excitement and passion that poured into our community, and we’ve been touched by the number of you who have stayed with us right through to today.

While we’ve expanded Crayta significantly since launch, we’ve unfortunately not seen quite enough growth for us to justify continuing. Google Stadia shut its doors recently, which was the initial launch platform for Crayta, so we’ve decided that now is the right time to bring things to a close, despite the dedicated efforts of our team and our community.

Rest assured, we’re going to make the very most of the remaining time we have together. We’ll post a schedule soon of the activities and events we’re planning — everything from celebratory playalong streams through to help and support to make the most of your hard-earned creation skills in the future.

We’ve assembled an FAQ here so take a look if you have any immediate questions. If there’s anything else you’d like to ask then please head to our Discord and we’ll respond to what we can, or contact us at support@crayta.zendesk.com.

We’ll be in touch again before we turn off the power button in March, but in the meantime please accept our heartfelt thanks for your loyalty, dedication, passion and commitment to Crayta and our team. Many of the team have been working on Crayta for over five years, and we couldn’t have done any of this without you. We hope you’ll all take fond memories away with you, as well as immense pride for everything you’ve built and contributed to the community.

Thank you, Craytans — we love you. ❤


What will happen to the Crayta client?

  • Crayta will cease to work as of 4pm BST/8am PT on Friday, March 3rd, 2023. You’ll no longer be able to access any of the content or play any of the games after that point.

What’s going to happen to my games?

  • Once Crayta is switched off, your games will no longer be accessible. If you’d like to keep a record of what you created, then we’d suggest you take screenshots or capture video of your content so that you can use those assets in future. We’re planning to give you all some tips on the most effective ways to do that, how to edit showreels, and how to describe and present your skills so that you can use your experience in Crayta to bolster your resumé or simply remind yourself of the great work you did.

How can I access my data?

  • To obtain a copy of your personal data, please email dataprotectionofficer@unit2games.com prior to March 1, 2023. After this date, your data will no longer be accessible for this purpose or for you to exercise any of your other data subject rights. Please note that to protect your information, we may need to verify your identity before processing your request. For more information regarding your privacy rights, please read our privacy policy.

Why did you decide to close down Crayta?

  • The closure of Crayta was a decision taken by the Unit 2 Games team after careful consideration of the game’s recent performance and our goals for 2023 and beyond. We’ve unfortunately not seen quite enough growth for us to justify continuing.

Is this why your last season featured a ‘Best of Crayta’ battle pass?

  • You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But that was actually a coincidence! New seasons and battle passes are planned many months in advance of release so this one was already in production before this decision was made. We like to think that it makes for a bittersweet farewell pack of content though.

Will I still be able to watch Crayta videos on YouTube or follow some of the tutorials to learn more about game development?

  • We’re currently looking at keeping some of our social channel content available for a limited period of time but we’d advise you to make a personal note of anything you may want to refer to again.

What’s next for Unit 2 Games?

  • The studio still exists and we’re all still employed by Meta. We’ll share more soon about what we’re working on next.

