Sorry Hillary, It’s Time We Start Taking Your Emails Seriously

No more campaign statements, let’s face the facts.

A Thinker
Crazy Ones
4 min readJun 4, 2016


Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it certainly came close to falling in one. As the political race of 2016 drags on, it’s time for the Hillary camp to stop turning a blind eye to the email situation, as it could very much be her Trojan Horse.

Let’s face the facts

  • CLINTON:What I did was allowedFACT CHECK: The recent Inspector General report cited department policies dating to 2005 that require “normal day-to-day operations” to be conducted on government servers, contrary to Clinton’s claim that her server was allowed. It also said she “had an obligation” to discuss her email system with cybersecurity officials, but there’s “no evidence” that she sought or received their approval. — note to Hillary: not being caught is not the same as being allowed.
  • CLINTON: claims that she kept records that would suggest she “fully complied” with the Federal Records Act. FACT CHECK: The IG report said that is not the case. It said Clinton’s “method of preserving work-related emails was insufficient under the Federal Records Act.”
  • CLINTON: “I think last August I made it clear I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime. — CBS News interview in May. FACT CHECK: Clinton declined through her lawyer to be interviewed for the report. Four other secretaries of state participated: John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. She now says: “everything I had to say was out there.”
  • CLINTON: Emails sent and received on the server were safe and secure. Many measures were taken to insure that this was the case. FACT CHECK: In May 2016, Marcel Lazar, a Romanian man who has been accused of targeting politicians and their aides and goes by the name “Guccifer,” claims to have hacked Clinton’s email server.

Does any of this matter?

Yes! Well, mostly it will only seriously matter if she is indicted. It’s unquestionable what Clinton did was wrong, and clearly crossed the line, but was it criminal?

The chances of Hillary being indicted

FBI Director James Comey

Brietbart News reported last week that Clinton exchanged the names of hidden CIA officials working in various parts of the globe on the very same server that was not only vulnerable to hacking but, in all probability, was hacked by foreign intelligence agencies. John R. Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst commented on this last week saying that:

“If this accusation turns out to be true, Hillary Clinton could brace herself for a mountain of legal trouble coming her way. It could be the basis on which the FBI might indict Hillary Clinton under the Espionage Act.”

Attorney General Loretta Lynch. At the end of the day, the decision on whether or not to indict Hillary comes down to her. However, she is likely rely on the FBI’s recommendation.

According to the Act, “if classified material” is made accessible to an “unknown person” due to negligence, it can lead to 10 years in prison — 15 if the information identifies a U.S. covert agent.

That’s serious trouble.

Courtesy of Jeff Darcy,

Hillary Clinton, take a hard look

Hillary — it’s time you seriously stood up and addressed your email scandal honestly. What started as more of a joke during the early run arounds of the primary campaign, has clearly developed into a serious issue.

The Hillary Campaign’s effort to distract and deny the seriousness of this issue has only brought further attention and speculation to the field. While many committed supporters of her’s will likely vote for her no matter what, the Hillary camp needs to realize that the longer they deny it, the more likely they could cause her damage in the general election — assuming she is the nominee (which isn’t yet ‘in the bag’).

Voters — don’t just look past this. Everyone balked over the seriousness of Watergate, but consider this for a moment — Watergate was an American political debacle, Clinton’s emails may have risked national security. In this day in age, I don’t mess with the security of the nation we inhabit, and for Hillary to accuse Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump of being weak on foreign policy while she puts it at risk herself, is pure nonsense to my ears.

It’s time to get serious and start holding our presidential candidates accountable for their actions.

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A Thinker
Crazy Ones

Enjoying life — ignoring the bullshit. Mysterious lead editor at Crazy Ones.