The New Face of Crazy Ones

Submission Guidelines Included

A Thinker
Crazy Ones
3 min readJun 3, 2016


And, on top of it all… a new logo!

As we stated in our earliest post, Crazy Ones is a place for collaboration across Medium to deliver readers with meaningful stories ‘worth sharing’. We are not just another publication looking for the occasional ‘how to’ posts that rampage across the platform. We strive to bring unique stories — stories that make a statement. Thinking outside the box is the norm.

Crazy Ones is relatively, but when we launched, it had been in the works for some time. Today, we are brining a few changes to the publication. And, a whole new set up submission guidelines…

Today, Crazy Ones is becoming a more formal online publication. While, I (A Thinker) will still contribute directly, many staff and editor contributions will come from our independent account: Crazy Ones. All non-Medium contributions will also be posted though this new and fresh account — go ahead and give us a follow :).

Submission Guidelines

The moment you’ve all been waiting for…

If you are already a writer for CO

If you are already a writer for Crazy Ones, then spend no more time than simply submitting your piece by the normal means (clicking the “…” button when editing your article, submit to publication, Crazy Ones!). While we rarely turn down any of our common writer’s work, please don’t take this as a prompt that we accept anything. If you need more details, read our “About” here.

If you are new but have an amazing piece to display…

…Then we want to read it! Please send us an email with a link to your draft at We will do our best to review it within the day and get back to you as soon as we can.

We read and consider every article we receive. Why? We believe that just because one person doesn’t like it, doesn’t mean that a whole group of people won’t find that little heart at the bottom of your article. Each article is special in it’s own way, and we know the time and effort that you put into writing one — and that means something alone.

Additionally, you can request to contribute through, but please note that we strongly advise you to send an email instead if you are looking to submit a specific piece of yours.

If you need more details on what pieces we love to see, read our “About” here.

Perhaps instead of the logo we just made, we could have made it this — because at the end of the day, Crazy Ones is defined by it’s writers, and it’s writers are defined by their stories…

Now go write some kick-ass articles!


A Thinker

Lead Editor at Crazy Ones

Crazy Ones Publication

Meaningful stories worth telling. Handpicked articles on life, adventure, tech, business, politics, culture, and poetry.



A Thinker
Crazy Ones

Enjoying life — ignoring the bullshit. Mysterious lead editor at Crazy Ones.