The Mysterious Curse of Shakespeare’s Grave

Vikram Suryawanshi
Crazy Real Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2024

In the quiet town of Stratford-upon-Avon, England, where the legacy of William Shakespeare looms large, one particular legend continues to capture the imagination of locals and visitors alike: the tale of the Bard’s cursed grave.

Shakespeare, the literary giant whose works have transcended time, was buried in 1616 in the Holy Trinity Church. What makes his final resting place extraordinary is not just the presence of his remains but the ominous epitaph inscribed upon his tombstone. This inscription is believed to be a curse aimed at anyone who dares to disturb his eternal slumber:

“Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbeare,

To digg the dust encloased heare.

Bleste be the man that spares thes stones,

And curst be he that moves my bones.”

The story behind this curse is as intriguing as it is chilling. In Shakespeare’s time, grave robbing was a common practice, and graves were often dug up to make room for new burials. Shakespeare, with his keen understanding of human nature and the darker sides of society, likely anticipated the possibility of his grave being disturbed. To prevent such a fate, he placed this curse upon his tombstone, ensuring that his bones would remain undisturbed.

For centuries, the curse seemed to work. No one dared to test its power, and Shakespeare’s grave remained untouched. However, in the early 21st century, curiosity and modern technology combined to challenge the Bard’s warning.

In 2016, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, a team of archaeologists and scientists from Staffordshire University decided to investigate the contents of his grave using ground-penetrating radar (GPR). They sought to confirm whether Shakespeare’s remains were truly undisturbed and to uncover any hidden secrets buried with him.

The GPR scan revealed something unexpected and eerie: Shakespeare’s skull appeared to be missing. This discovery led to a flurry of theories and speculation. Had grave robbers stolen his skull centuries ago despite the curse? Or was it removed for some other mysterious reason?

The team decided against further disturbing the grave, honoring the warning etched in stone. The mystery of the missing skull only added to the legend of Shakespeare’s grave and his foresight in protecting it with a curse.

The tale of Shakespeare’s cursed grave continues to fascinate those who visit Holy Trinity Church. It serves as a reminder of the Bard’s enduring influence and the power of his words, even in death. As visitors stand before his tombstone, they can’t help but feel a shiver, contemplating whether the curse is real and pondering the whereabouts of Shakespeare’s missing skull.

In “Crazy Real Stories,” the legend of Shakespeare’s grave stands out as a testament to the enigmatic life and enduring mystique of one of history’s greatest storytellers. It’s a story that blends history, legend, and a touch of the supernatural, capturing the essence of intrigue that defines the best of Shakespeare’s works.

