Atul Nayyar
Crazy Uncommonly Sane Life
4 min readJul 1, 2016


Read this and you’ll never say “I’m busy” the same way again.

Most of the time now a days when we greet or ask someone how are they, the most common response we get is, “I’m busy” rather than “I’m good”.

I realize this that life now a days is fast lived and people want to work on as many things and finish as many tasks as possible. Everyone wants to accomplish more in less time.

But are they really busy?

People aren’t always busy. For the maximum part, they are just unorganized.

Here are the 6 reasons, I feel, why people say they are busy.

1. Hide past wounds

People try to hide their past wounds. It’s a strategy that they use when they are uncomfortable feeling emptiness or nothingness. When there is nothing to do, then you have to face your life, your issues, and your stuff. They take up more and more work so they don’t have free time to think about their past and those unlikely events. So sometimes being busy helps them avoid their issues.

2. Use as an excuse

People use this as an excuse so as to avoid others people who bring negativity in their life. Introverts use this phrase quite too often so as to avoid conversations or discussions with others.

3. Unorganized and unplanned

People also use this phrase when they are overwhelmed by a work they have been working on. Many times, they feel like they have no control of the incoming; that it is the boss or others that keeps them trapped in the “urgency” world. Mostly, it’s also because they have been procrastinating the work. People have no choice but to react to the urgent matter. Usually such people will feel at the end of the day that they have been extremely busy but didn’t get anything worthwhile accomplished.

4. Take a break

People want to take rest from their daily routine, they want to be free from all the chaos and negativity around them. Basically what these people mean is that they are not busy but they need time for themselves and figure out stuff. We all know that there are things and decisions in life, which for us to figure out, need our full attention, so people use this as an excuse.

5. Proud to be busy

For some busy has become a humble brag instead of an indicator of stress. Worse, we feel good about being busy. People have become too proud of being busy. If you listen closely to yourself or others talking about busyness, you are likely to detect a tone of pride. People may complain about how busy they are, but underneath the complaining is the message: look at me, I’m so busy! I’m getting so much done! I’m busy, therefore I’m important and valuable, therefore I’m worthy.

6. Real busy ones

Some people are really busy getting stronger and being awesome. They are the real busy ones. They are the kind who are busy being productive and humble to talk. If you ask these people “How you doing?”, they would usually say, “I’m doing well and working on a lot of cool stuff I’m excited about.” rather than saying “I’m busy” all the time.

“ I’m busy ” should not be used as an excuse because after some time it becomes a habit. Even the real busy people try to avoid saying that they are busy. An organized and an efficient person won’t be talking to you telling how busy he/she is. They would talk about all the awesome stuff they have been working on or are working on.

Strive to become more organized and efficient and you will find yourself out of this vicious cycle.



Atul Nayyar
Crazy Uncommonly Sane Life

Designer, aspiring entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, obserever and a dreamer