Fair Housing is a Right, Not a Privilege

Teresa Brooks
CRC Newsletter
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2020

By Justin Lyons, CRC member

Family playing and laughing together in their home

As residents are considering their housing circumstances, it’s useful to know that there are resources that ensure protection from discrimination when renting, buying or securing financing for housing.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Department believes that equal access in housing is a right, not a privilege. For that reason, Fair Housing staff are constantly working to help residents freely choose a place to live. Their work includes reducing the effects of discrimination because of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, familial status or disability in our housing system.

To achieve that mission, the team:

  • Accepts formal complaints
  • Investigates allegations of discrimination
  • Conducts public hearings on housing discrimination complaints
  • Administers oaths and depositions
  • Approves settlement agreements and monitors compliance with such agreements

Special protections may apply to those with Criminal Records; the guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) can be found here.

Fair Housing staff also takes proactive measures to regularly provide training and community outreach to raise awareness and build knowledge about fair housing laws and best practices.

Community Relations recently received a grant from HUD to expand education and outreach efforts to the international and refugee community and is on the lookout for housing discrimination due COVID19.

You can contact Fair Housing staff at 704–336–5160 or file an online complaint here.

