Retreat, Refocus, Regroup!

CharMeck Community Relations Committee
CRC Newsletter
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2024

By Cheryl Tuning, CRC Member

Group of committee members posing for photo in community center.

Earlier this year, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee (CRC) came together for its annual retreat. Since last year’s retreat, the CRC has welcomed new leadership, several new members and introduced new strategies for its work. The 2024 annual retreat focused on team building, outlining roles and responsibilities, and understanding the CRC’s priorities. Each subcommittee also had the opportunity to share updates on their work. As part of the welcome, CRC Executive Director Willie Ratchford shared a heartwarming video that highlighted the committee’s history, accomplishments and its value to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community. The retreat was off to a great start!

Mayor Pro Tem and District 1 Representative Danté Anderson attended to share City Council’s strategic initiatives which are safe and secure housing, economic development and upward mobility, and public safety. The CRC will use these strategic initiatives to align our priorities and guide us in our areas of focus.

Following Council Member Anderson’s call to action, CRC members heard from John Stephens, associate professor of Public Administration & Government at the University of North Carolina’s School of Government. Professor Stephens shared the following best practices for CRC members to be successful:

  • Advise and assist in the city’s policy making and oversight.
  • Maintain clarity of purpose to lead the chosen scope of work effectively.
  • Consider a healthy balance of agreeing and opposing views in CRC decision-making.
  • Understand the expectations and desired outcomes to drive the work effectively.

CRC members were strongly encouraged to be engaged beyond just attending events and this was reiterated as the CRC Chair, Sam Smith Jr., shared his three-year vision for the committee.

  • Year One — Disruptive: Focused on review, assessment, and rebuilding.
  • Year Two — Growth: Focused on increased engagement, partnerships and community talk series.
  • Year Three — Stabilization: Focused on 100 percent retention and leadership transition (CRC members are appointed to three-year terms).

The retreat ended with a brief subcommittee work session and report outs. The group connected over lunch and seemed energized and ready to roll up our sleeves to help support the success of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg community!

