Reframe, Reform, & Remake the Police

Jerry Ketel
Create Good
Published in
9 min readSep 9, 2020


Black Lives Matters protests have exposed Police Departments as an occupying army.

PORTLAND, OREGON — A team of citizens has banded together to apply design thinking to decrease police brutality. Our recommendations are to change the name of the police, demilitarize the uniforms, and reform the departments’ structure. Changing these unconscious design cues will dramatically affect Police culture and how we interact with them.

Black Lives Matter protests against Police brutality are a flashpoint in American history. The marches have exposed the increasing militarization of Police forces throughout the country. This increased “War On Our Communities,” especially with people of color, has historical precedents and has devolved police forces into a gang with their own code and colors. The intent of these not-so-subtle cues in dress, design of equipment, and structure of the police force itself serves to divide these members from the communities they were sworn to serve and protect.

“Defund the Police” makes for a fine protest slogan, but it unnecessarily alienates those who see the Police as protectors against lawlessness and chaos. It also calls into question, “What happens next?” That question becomes a significant uncertainty and creates further resistance to reform.

Instead of “Defund the Police” as a rallying cry, we suggest Americans Reframe, Reform, Remake, and Reimagine the Police to better serve the people.



Jerry Ketel
Create Good

I seek to encourage, uplift, and inspire others using the powers of creativity, intuition, and logic.