To Startup — Is More About Building Yourself

Matias Honorato
Create. Learn. Share
4 min readNov 5, 2014

Building a Startup is much more about learning than succeeding, much more about the quality of your relationships and networking than a self-centered work. Is more about the Why than the What and How.

With my first Startup, SlidePick, I learned that it is more about building yourself than a product.

Your startup is an endeavor which reflects your true self.

Don’t Build a Brand. Build a Legacy.

As Gary Vaynerchuk said…

Legacy is greater than currency

Legacy is the ultimate reason on why we choose to become entrepreneurs. A quest in the search of something bigger than just founding a company, building a product, fame or wealth, even bigger than ourselves.

We go “All the way” because of urgency we feel in our guts to leave a lasting tribute.

Legacy is intrinsically related to a long-term vision; the problem is that we tend to lost and hide it under our daily work, fears and excuses. Too much of short-term focus can have an adverse outcome in your company, relationships and your life.

Not knowing why you started in the first place is like losing track of your steps as you go deeper and deeper into the woods. At some point, you will feel lost, tired or broken, but the footprints of your steps will encourage you to “keep moving, don’t settle.”

When failure hits your door, is the long-term vision that set the ground where you can stand up again to start looking for the next opportunity.

Legacy is every step you make as you go deeper in this world, is every mark you leave behind in you and others. That’s why is important to take a moment every time in a while to look back and contemplate what is the track that you have been leaving behind, so you can use it as a way to find yourself when everything seems dark.

Make it Meaningfull

We are running against the clock. Life is short and unpredictable.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. — Steve Jobs

Some people say that feelings are over-rated, but this statement is a reminder that they are all what we truly have. Whatever you are supposed to do in life, the only way to do it right is by committing your heart, mind and soul into it.

The Value of Transparency

To build a lasting legacy, you must be true to yourself in the eyes of others.

Follow values which creates life-learning experiences that you can share with others. Is in “sharing” where we can understand how to be transparent, honest and humble to ourselves. Build your reputation around your true self. That’s the most interesting person you can be.

“The foundation of personal branding rests on authenticity: The ability to tap into your genuine, humble, and individual human qualities from which your identity, personality, and character stem.” -Lida Citroen (@LIDA360)

Be transparent about who you are, what you do and why you do it. Be open to talk about your failures as well as your successes, nobody feels related to perfection.

“You were born to be real, not perfect”

Your legacy is about you, not about your ego, personal branding or what others may think about you. But If you life, work or legacy is inspiring others, don’t ever miss the chance to help them out to build their own.

Work hard on yourself. Remember that your startup, product or yourself is just a manifestation of the legacy that you are leaving and the long-term vision you are looking to achieve.

So just Startup.

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I would love to catch up with you and know about your experience! Matias Honorato

Any grammar, spelling or punctuation mistake, please let me know. So I can keep improving my English…my best to all of you!



Matias Honorato
Create. Learn. Share

Growth at @meettally | Creating, Learning & Sharing | 🇨🇱