11 Sneaky Bad Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Writing
Don’t limit your own success
Put in the hard work and amazing results come out.
At least that’s what we want to believe.
Not to diminish hard work — it’s supremely important. But it’s often just not that simple.
The one-to-one correlation rarely exists.
But even if we are working hard, there are some sneaky bad habits we may have formed that could be sabotaging our own success.
See, the path to writing success isn’t just about what you do — it’s also about what you avoid.
So…stop doing this:
1. Instantly dismiss your own ideas
You’ve been there. You get an idea, but you shoot it down because it didn’t work before.
Stop that.
Think of your ideas as seeds that need time to grow.
2. Obsess over immediate results
You check your article’s metrics daily.
Writing is a long-term game.
Stay patient.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a loyal readership.