The 32 Books I Read In 2022

Quick notes on the books I read this year

Josh Spilker
Create Make Write


Created with DALL-E

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Couple of things:

  • I lost steam a few times, especially around #20. I read that at the beach, in July, but I was 2/3 or the way done for the year
  • I started a few other books, but didn’t finish them. Anything I didn’t finish, I left off this list. Those books would be interesting to record, and maybe I’ll do that in 2023.
  • I usually read more Christian/spirituality than this.
  • The book links are affiliate.
  • Favorites are starred ***

Here’s the list!

  1. A Clue to the Exit by Edward St. Aubyn. Finished in only 1 day!?!
  2. The Anomaly by Herve Le Tellier. I found this book at The Strand in New York City after reading about it in The New Yorker. New York! But then I saw it at the library yesterday, too.
  3. How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell. Lots of elite artsy angst. The Ace Hotel is mentioned.
  4. The Nineties by Chuck Klosterman*. Better than some of his more recent books. A good return to form.

