The Biggest Thing Holding Back My Writing — And There’s Nothing I Want To Do About It

Josh Spilker
Create Make Write
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2016


Hey, this summer I’ve tried to work on a lot of different writing projects:

Besides those actual longform ideas, I’m also writing:

And oh yeah…did a new idea for a novel just pop in my head?

But also there’s life:

  • Being married to an awesome woman
  • Raising two kids
  • Selling a house and moving into another one
  • Excelling at a day job
  • Being involved in my church community.

Let’s also talk about fun stuff:

  • Like reading novels
  • Like keeping up with 2–3 TV shows
  • Like listening to tons of great podcasts and music
  • Like seeing friends
  • Like playing with my kids

Do I have too many interests? Do you?

Often, it’s hard to know what to pursue. And what to give up. But it’s also fun to experiment with all those projects. It’s energizing in many ways.

Honestly, it’s holding back my writing. But how much do I care? At this point, I can’t imagine having a rich life any other way. I’ve heard too many stories of people who gave it all up for a “dream” and were never ultimately be satisfied by it.

You’ve heard those, too.

What I’m trying to learn is work harder within the time frames that I have.

To not multi-task, but to be fully present for each thing.

To have fun when I’m supposed to have fun. To work when I want to work. To be with my kids and not try to read a book or write at the same time. To talk to my wife directly, not across a screen.

There are times when I do too many fun things. Or waste too much time. Or put off concentrating on my writing to watch or read or do something else.

But I don’t want to give it up completely. I like having different interests.

What do you think?

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I’m Josh Spilker and I blog about the creative process at Create, Make, Write. For more like this, sign up for my newsletter here.

