10 ways that UI design and UX design are different

Tom May
Created Academy
Published in
6 min readFeb 25, 2021
Illustrations by Emma Lewis of Created

If you work in digital, there are two phrases you hear a lot. One is UI design (user interface design), and the other UX design (user experience design).

Unfortunately, many people aren’t clear on what they mean so they’re often misused. Sometimes by experienced designers who should know better. You might even see them used interchangeably!

But, while there are similarities, these two disciplines are different. To set you straight, we’ll explain the subtle contrasts between UI design and UX design, and what each involves. With as little jargon as possible. 😉

So what are the main differences?

UX is about experience and feelings

UX design is about creating the best experience for customers when they interact with a product or service.

In theory, the product or service could be digital or physical. For example, a UX designer might figure out a supermarket’s social distancing measures, and their effect on the flow of shoppers around the store.

In practice, though, most UX designers in 2021 are employed to develop digital systems. These could be apps, websites, video game interfaces, TV streaming services, self-service checkouts, VR experiences, and so many more.

But a UX designer’s role isn’t just designing systems that work. They also think how they make users feel, and how easy they are to navigate.

It’s less about visuals, more about understanding people and how they think. You’re developing a broad, strategic plan for a system, as opposed to the nitty-gritty of, say, whether a button should be red or green.

UI design is about visuals and usability

Importantly, the work of a UI designer is not just about what ‘looks nice’, but what’ll make it easier for people to use the system.

For example, a UI designer might decide if the button we mentioned earlier should be green, not just as an aesthetic choice, but because customers associate the colour with ‘Go!’ 🚦

UI designers also have to make sure systems are inclusive and accessible to all people. So for example, they’ll want to avoid low-contrasting colours and fussy fonts. Low contrasts can make things difficult for colour-blind users and over-the-top fonts can cause problems for people with visual impairments or learning disabilities.

That said, UI prototypes and finished systems will normally be tested on volunteers to check they meet users’ needs in practice, just like in UX.

How do they relate to the brand?

UX design incorporates branding

Users are central to UX, but they’re not the only consideration. Everything you do also needs to work with your client or brand’s overarching values.

Say, for example, you’re planning a mobile game for Disneyland visitors to download on entry. The spirit of the game experience would need to be totally in line with the physical park experience as well as the Disney brand as a whole. Otherwise, it’d be totally jarring!

For this reason, immersing yourself in the brand’s values and history is an essential part of the UX process.

UI design balances branding and usability

As with UX designers, the UI designer understands interfaces don’t exist in a vacuum, but are an integral part of how a brand exists across lots of devices and interactions.

UI designers need to have a clear vision for developing brand ‘look and feel’ visually, and balancing these aesthetics with usability.

They do this by following the brand’s existing visual identity, style guides, and UI kits; or creating/redesigning them where necessary.

Who makes what?

UX designers create systems, not visuals

Typically, UX designers conduct customer research, analyse user data, then explore how a system’s basic features need to function, often in consultation with a range of stakeholders.

When they know what the system needs to do, and what its users should expect from it, they’ll create a simplified version of it. This might be digital or physical, using pencil and paper.

This stripped-down version of the system will then be tested out on volunteers. People are unpredictable, and so asking people to perform a task using the system, and seeing if and when they stumble, is the only way to tell whether it’s actually going to work.

When all the kinks are ironed out, the UX designer will hand it over to UI designers and developers to develop the system further.

UI designers create visuals, not systems

While a UX designer sets out the overall purpose and functionality of an interface, it’s the UI designer’s responsibility to create its visual look and feel. They are, in other words, the exact person to decide whether a button should be red or green.

As a UI designer, you’d typically create visual elements such as icons and buttons, typography and colour palettes, as well as choosing illustrations and photography, designing the layout of pages, and deciding how they should adapt to different devices and screen sizes. UI designers don’t normally write code, but work with developers to build out a finished product.

But they’re still really similar, right?

There’s a lot of crossover…

UX design and UI design are two very distinct disciplines, but they both focus on the same goal. Both help to make systems user-friendly, accessible and in-keeping with the overall brand. So there’s a lot they have in common.

UX design is more of a strategic role, but it helps if you have an awareness of visual design conventions. UI design is more of a visual role, but your designs will be better if you can understand the needs of users and the business strategy behind them.

… but they’re different jobs (except when they aren’t)

Just to make things super complicated, some companies advertise for a ‘UI/UX designer’, implying they want people who can do both. These people do exist, just as there are people who can draw pictures and write advertising copy, or photographers who also paint murals. They’re just pretty rare.

So if you want to focus on UI design or UX design, there’ll still be plenty of jobs to apply for.

How to become a UI designer

Interested in becoming a UI designer? To learn more about one of the most in-demand forms of design then Created, an online academy offering industry-backed, professionally mentored courses, is a great place to start.

Our courses on UI Design are built to prepare you on a practical, professional and personal level, for a career in digital design.

Also don’t miss reading our top tips to make it as a Visual Designer, written by award-winning branding designer and Created mentor Ben Mottershead.

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Tom May
Created Academy

Freelance writer, editor and Amazon #1 bestselling author of Great TED talks: Creativity.