Another lockdown? Yes, I am enjoying it!

Daniel Deutsch
Createdd Notes
Published in
10 min readNov 15, 2020


Original Photo by Kaloyan Draganov ; Style variation by me created with AI

Most countries experience another lockdown, or variation of it. As many consider 2020 one of the worst in their lives, I would like to propose otherwise. Read why.

Table of Contents

Disclaimer and current situation

This was written on 13–11–2020.

If you need more information on certain parts, feel free to point it out in the comments.

First, I want to illustrate my situation right now. This will be helpful in understanding why I chose certain solutions for my lifestyle but also why I came to those conclusions.

I currently live in Vienna, study at a university (remotely), work part-time, do various projects on the side. I am in my twenties, have a university degree, and always did a lot of sport (at least every second day). Right now, my health is not quite optimal as I was recently diagnosed with a disc prolapse (probably from doing too much sport).

