Creathor Portfolio Day 2019

Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner
3 min readMar 29, 2019

Life as a venture capital investor can be hectic sometimes. You have your portfolio companies to look after, you have board meetings, you attend events, you work on the deal flow, you have all the administrative stuff. But we know that this is usually nothing compared to the life of an entrepreneur. The best way to acknowledge that is to dedicate a full day to these hard-working founders, CEOs and other team members of our portfolio. A day that allows our portfolio companies to present themselves to potential follow-on investors and corporate partners in an intimate setting and that also allows them to learn from each other and share best practices. It is for a reason that this day is called Portfolio Day.

On March 19th we gathered around 100 invited guests for the annual Creathor Ventures Portfolio Day at TechQuartier in Frankfurt. A day packed with pitches, panel discussions and lots of mingling and one-on-one sessions.

Being a VC that invests in both tech and healthcare companies, we had two thematic focal points:

We discussed with Heinrich Munz, lead architect 4.0 at KUKA, Prof. Dr. Edward Krubasik, former member of the Siemens Central Executive Board and Dr. Mathias Bohge, Managing Director of our portfolio company R3 Communications, which role start-ups can play in automating the industry.

And we asked Prof. Dr. Theo Dingermann, Professor of Pharmaceutical Biology at University of Frankfurt, Dr. Klaus-Dieter Langner, former member of the Corporate Executive Board (CSO) at Grünenthal Group, Dr. Nicole Faust, CEO & CSO of our portfolio company Cevec, and Dieter Lingelbach, COO at our portfolio company Sirion Biotech, about their take on the advent of gene therapies and which key technologies and hurdles the industry is facing.

A big thank you to all participants for making this day a productive one and for allowing us to give back a little bit to our portfolio companies.

By the way, you can find all our portfolio companies here. If you would like to learn more about us or pitch your company, then get in touch! And don’t forget to sign up for our quarterly newsletter.



Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner

PR and communications guy @ Creathor Ventures | Bicycle lover | Ex-Baller