Make It Ten: Ledgy

Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner
3 min readMay 22, 2019
Photo by Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash; Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

In the second interview of this series, Yoko Spirig answers our nine questions and asks us one herself. Yoko is co-founder and CPO at Ledgy, the new standard in equity management. Enjoy reading and feel free to give us your feedback and/or share.

#1 Yoko, please introduce Ledgy in less than 10 words.
Ledgy is the equity management and investor relations platform for startups.

#2 What was the initial impetus or motivation to start Ledgy and what is your vision with it?
We started Ledgy from the observation that all startups in Europe were spending a lot of time and money because they were using complex excel sheets and relied on lawyers to manage financing rounds and employee participation plans.

Our vision is to become the standard platform for startups and investors where equity is managed and exchanged in private companies.

#3 What company-related recent accomplishment are you most proud of?
Closing a bigger-than-planned financing round with great investors followed by a successful doubling of our team size with outstanding people.

#4 Five years from now, what will Ledgy look like? What will you be doing yourself?
Ledgy will become the leading platform for startups and investors for all equity-related matters. A startup being founded in Europe in 5 years will not think twice before creating an account on Ledgy. They will be able to find investors, manage the financing round on the platform and investor relations after the round.

Personally, my tasks have evolved from programming, product management and recently getting more into distribution. In the future, as the founders of the company, our goal will be to keep finding people that are better than ourselves in the tasks to be accomplished, so that we can focus on long term plans, strategy and building a great company culture.

#5 Can you name three adjectives that describe the working culture at Ledgy?
Fun. Fast. Transparent.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

#6 Can you name a detail that nobody really talks about but that is nonetheless crucial for the success of a company?
Giving room for personal one-on-ones with the team is crucial.

#7 Which technological solution are we still missing in our lives?
I’ve recently acquired an E-bike and it’s been absolutely life-changing to me. I’m convinced that in the future people in cities will switch from cars to E-bikes, because it’s simply the most convenient way to move around.

#8 What is worth spending time on other than Ledgy?
A classic, but for me it’s definitely sports, preferably outdoors like running or rowing.

#9 Why did you choose Creathor as an investor?
We initially got in touch with Creathor through our angel investors, the founders of Doodle, in which Creathor was also invested. Their experience with Creathor as well as the great outcome of the company were a strong proof and argument for us to choose Creathor.

#10 Make it 10! There must be something that you have always wanted to ask us. What is it?
Yoko: What was the strongest argument that made you invest in Ledgy?
Cédric Köhler: Ledgy has the potential to automate equity investment processes including legals. The market potential is huge. But more important in our decision process were the founders who convinced us with their energy, passion and vision.

Thank you, Yoko!

Note: Ledgy is an investment out of our CV IV fund. If you would like to learn more about our current investment focus, please visit and get in touch if you think we could be a match.



Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner

PR and communications guy @ Creathor Ventures | Bicycle lover | Ex-Baller