Make It Ten: Tacalyx

Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner
4 min readOct 2, 2019
Photo by Andrew Buchanan on Unsplash; Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Cancer is one of the most brutal diseases of modern mankind. Yet, science, big pharma and small biotechs have been struggling for decades to find a treatment that goes beyond easing the pain or finding a cure. Tacalyx, a young biotech from Berlin and our most recent investment from our CV IV fund, is trying a new approach — an approach that targets molecules found on the surface of many types of tumor cells called Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigens (TACAs).

Enjoy the interview with Dr. Martin Sondermann, CEO of Tacalyx.

#1 Peter, please introduce Tacalyx in less than 10 words.
Tacalyx develops the next generation of anti-Cancer Therapeutics.

#2 What was the initial impetus or motivation to start Tacalyx and what is your vision with it?
The idea to create Tacalyx is based on the research of the Max-Planck-Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam where Prof. Peter Seeberger has been working for several years on the synthesis and characterization of Tumor Associated Carbohydrate Antigens, abbreviated as TACAs. These sugar structures are not only more specifically expressed on a variety of tumors than classical tumor targets but also drive the virulence of cancer cells by e.g. mediating metastasis and suppression of the immune response against them. This second property makes TACAs unique cancer targets. With our approach to develop antibodies that recognize TACAs and therefore specifically label cancer cells for destruction we also block at the same time their vital functions. By using this “double punch” strategy my vision is that we will be able to create powerful drugs that revolutionize cancer treatment and that can cover many indications within this therapeutic area.

#3 What company-related recent accomplishment are you most proud of?
We could not only secure our seed funding from a consortium of renowned investors including Creathor but we were also able to get highly wanted laboratory space within the heart of Berlin. Our location within this buzzling hot-spot for start-ups means short ways to connect with external experts and it facilitates the attraction of top personnel.

#4 Five years from now, what will Tacalyx look like? What will you be doing yourself?
Tacalyx will then already be a clinical stage company but still working with the same enthusiasm and spirit. In five years, we will also start to see first clinical results obtained with our compounds which is the most rewarding part of our work.

#5 Can you name three adjectives that describe the working culture at Tacalyx?
Cooperative, transparent, upright. By the way, we are hiring.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

#6 Can you name a detail that nobody really talks about but that is nonetheless crucial for the success of a company?
The spirit. We hire people that do not only have the best skills for their work but who also burn for their projects.

#7 Which technological solution are we still missing in our lives?
The human body is a masterpiece of evolution and able to tackle most challenges by itself. But whoever has seen a relative or a friend suffer from cancer or neurodegenerative diseases, will probably agree that such conditions require effective treatments.

#8 What is worth spending time on other than Tacalyx?
Working in such a complex field as Tacalyx does require a grounding from time to time. I achieve this by hiking and biking. It shows me every day how beautiful the world is we are living in and how precious it is.

#9 Why did you choose Creathor as an investor?
Creathor is a distinguished investor that is a perfect fit for us due to their early stage focus and the related experience.

#10 Make it 10! There must be something that you have always wanted to ask us. What is it?
Peter: Creathor has an excellent track record in successful investments. What do you see (from inside) as the key factor for it?

Karlheinz: Smile, and thank you for the “flowers”, Peter. On the other hand, this is also a complex question and there are no easy answers to it. Many factors influence a successful investment - it is not only a disruptive innovation, but it needs an excellent management team, fast and flexible operational execution, a favorable market environment, competitive pressure on the strategic buyer end to take the risks and acquire technologies, the right exit window, a strong investor syndicate, patience, perseverance… and also fortune. However, all of our successful companies were in one or even multiple substantial crises during their lifetime before they made it. How did they survive? By constantly making swift changes and adapting to new realities, with the support of the investors, of course. Key is that all parties involved know where the business stands and work together towards the common goal of building a great company.

Thank you, Peter!

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Thomas Dreiling
Creathor’s Corner

PR and communications guy @ Creathor Ventures | Bicycle lover | Ex-Baller