A Recap of 2021… and Taste of What’s to Come!

The Official Creaticles Team
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2021

In April of 2021, the founding members of Creaticles identified a growing need for custom NFTs in the blockchain space and got to work on the first version of the Creaticles platform. Since then, we have been able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time thanks to our dedicated team and our amazing community. Here is a quick look back on 2021 and a taste of what we have planned in 2022!


In April, we at Creaticles noticed that NFT creators, while in-arguably talented, had some difficulty getting their work noticed. There was also a growing need from crypto projects for custom NFTs to celebrate milestones, connect with their community, and reward the artists in their ecosystem! This is when we started learning the ins and outs of the NFT space and began building out our test net.

Growing the Community

Image 1: The first-ever Creaticles contest

In July, we hosted the first-ever Creaticles meme contest, an event that would grow to collaborate with huge industry names and influencers like Axie Infinity and Pengu.

Testnet Launch

Four and a half months after we dreamed of the idea of Creaticles, we launched our beta test net. Our test net garnered huge amounts of attention from the Creaticles community and hit insane numbers for participation: 5,500+ requests created with over 10k unique wallets connected. This splash in the blockchain space got the attention of some crypto institutions such as -

Coinlist Seed

Image 2: Coinlist Seed Fall 2021 Batch

Creaticles was handpicked as 1 of 8 selected out of over 500 crypto startup applications for a spot to pitch on Coinlist Seed Fall 2021 where we had the opportunity to pitch to industry leaders and funds. This achievement helped introduce us to the crypto space in a big way and opened doors to future collaborations.

Creaticles Logo Contest

Image 3: The logo for Creaticles, sourced from its own community.

When we first started, we made a commitment to be our own top user and in October, we launched a contest to source our very own logo!

Mainnet Launch and IDO

In November, we finally launched our product on the Ethereum main net and at the same time, launched our new $CRE8 (Create) token with an IDO on Sushiswap’s MISO platform. After just 48 hours, our incredible community successfully raised $3.8M USD, giving us the runway and capital to grow our team and start aggressively building out the next iteration of our product. Since our IDO, we have added several in-house engineers, a Head of Marketing, and a Head of Business Development!

Shaking Hands in the Crypto Space

Directly after our main net launch, we started showing the crypto community what our creators were capable of with a huge selection of contests with Axie Infinity, MakerDAO, Harmony, Polygon Studios, OneRare, Pangolin, and even a Rainbow Six Siege tournament in collaboration with Pengu and FirstBlood! These contests garnered a huge amount of attention and yielded some incredible pieces of art:

Image 4: Axie Infinity Fan Art Contest Winners
Image 5: Some pieces of art from the MakerDAO contest
Image 6: One of 3 winners for the Creaticles Mainnet Celebration Contest

A Look Ahead

Now that we’ve gone through a few of our accomplishments in 2021, what’s in store for 2022? Firstly, we will be rolling out the next few iterations of our product with features such as a reputation system, multi-chain support, and token voting to allow platforms to utilize their own native tokens. We will also be rolling out community governance for Creaticles using our own $CRE8 tokens. We will also be fleshing out the core team of Creaticles to be able to expand into the crypto space with more marketing, more partnerships, and more offerings to our amazing community!

Finally, we just want to thank our community once again. It is really rare to be able to scale a crypto project like this, and it is only possible with the help and support from our community.

From the Creaticles Team to you — a very happy New Year!

